supermotos at go kart tracks


Well-known member
Somewhat tempted to get a supermoto for stunting and also riding at go kart tracks(I understand it is a thing people do)
Anyway, I found a bunch of kart tracks and im wondering if they let supermotos on?
Do they have supermotos days?
Are they generally allowed/accepted on the tracks?

I know some places have indoor mini-moto stuff for 50cc, but im looking for something that would be a street legal 300-400 sm
When we went to Gamebridge Go Carts in Brechin they allowed SM. Not sure if 3S in Sutton does, we were all on "50s", so it would be best to call them. We switched to 3S because it was a lot cheaper.

There's also a track in Innisfil that Ohvale has been to, but I have no experience there.
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