Sunday Sept. 20th - Dual Sport/Adventure/Touring ride

Interesting, would my supermoto KTM with straight up street tires and 100km fuel range be a no go?
Forgive me for being suspicious but this is your first post and you just signed up ...

FYI, I do not know Tamtam, but they cross-posted this ride at Stromtrooper:

It sounds like there might be a fair sized group for this if the weather holds out. If that happens, and if I make it, I have no issue leading a second group to keep the numbers lower. How much of the route did you modify from what I sent you?

Edit... I forgot you actually sent me the route. Okay, how much have you modified the route since sending to me?
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Mike - I have heavily modified it. ... But the GPX I sent you had avoidances turned on so you'd have to turn them off before uploading to GPS. I'll send you another file instead.

Not a fan of crossposting without my knowledge, btw. I like to have a general idea of how many people show up. Especially that this is an experimental route and I'm bound to get lost. ;) Can almost guarantee it.

Anyone wants GPX, PM me your email. Please do not post the route publicly. ... And let me know next time you post my rides on other forums. Thanks!

I have counted 12 riders potentially so not too bad. I see 7-8 peeps showing up.
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I told you, you had me at dirt! Now I find out we're likely to get lost? Awesome!
Haven't gotten into anything too sinister since we all did Old Nippising "road".
Haha, that was some "road" in certain spots. This should be a piece of cake in comparison.

I have a few routes from Shane. Maybe piece something together before the season ends for a more serious ride.

Problem is they are all up north and it gets cold there sooner.
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Hi , Alex here , my first post on this forum , I snuck over here from Stromtrooper , where I've been active for years . I missed out on this year's NEVA rally when my stator melted , and I'll be missing the Maine LeafPeeper rally due to an Italian wedding next weekend , so I'd love to join you tomorrow , if possible .

I'd join from Newmarket , so if I could get the route / timing ,,,,
Oh - and , I have ridden with Shane , or as he's known in Maine , " Juan " .

( I didn't say I KEPT UP with Shane , just rode with him ...)
Lol, his Scrambler is a triumph. Though I'm surprised he wouldn't opt to ride the dr650.
Edit: And if it's the same guy in thinking of from the OFTR, he might show everyone a thing or two on the scrambler in the woods. Pretty skilled trail rider.

I'm not the guy you're thinking of but I know of him, he's a goofball. Me? I'll be way in the back slowing everybody down and odds are good I'll be sporting a big wet spot around the crotch area after all is said and done. No worries.
I'm not the guy you're thinking of but I know of him, he's a goofball. Me? I'll be way in the back slowing everybody down and odds are good I'll be sporting a big wet spot around the crotch area after all is said and done. No worries.

Classic post. You're such a goofball.
I can't seem to get my givi side cases off, is this going to be a problem where we're heading? Apparently it's not uncommon with the v35s.

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