Sunday Nov 18th Port Hope backroads (new rider friendly)

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Great ride, thanks leader, sweeper and everone in between who made this a safe - almost last ride of the season. Nice meeting everyone.


(You knew if I posted, it would include pictures right?)


Thanks for the pic :)
Cool, but why all the smudged faces?

I did not get anyone's permission to post their faces on the internet. So to protect their right to privacy no faces were shown. (especially the lady riders). Now there is no reason to remove the photos from the post. Everyone who was there knows who they are. I'll send any participant of the ride the originals if asked.
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I did not get anyone's permission to post their faces on the internet. So to protect their right to privacy no faces were shown. (especially the lady riders). Now there is no reason to remove the photos from the post. Everyone who was there knows who they are. I'll send any participant of the ride the originals if asked.

Oh, well in that case I won't be posting the pics I took here. They're on the private Motorcycle Distraction group though for members.
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GoPro vid from the ride is up! If you need me to edit out any footage or blur any license plates please lemme know :)

-Jamie M.
(P.S. The video is NOT embedded on purpose, the left "action links" don't work properly when embedded.)
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Not sure if I got anything yet cause my battery was low. Video editing for me starts when the season is I have vids from the summer I still need to do and a vid from the run for your lives zombie
Not sure if I got anything yet cause my battery was low. Video editing for me starts when the season is I have vids from the summer I still need to do and a vid from the run for your lives zombie

That's just it though, capturing is easy, the rest takes time.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
YO! Rodney, I heard you had some under cover cops in your private group...
We ran background checks on everyone and kicked out the shady peeps ;)

-Jamie M.
YO! Rodney, I heard you had some under cover cops in your private group...

Anyone suspicious was/is removed. I also remove inactive members. So if anyone is just hanging around and not posting, attending rides and going to events they're removed. Oh, I should also mention that I've now made this a secret group where only members can add people, but I approve everyone. Sounds anal I know, it's my way of keeping the group in check.

FYI: The Motorcycle Distraction group isn't just about riding, there are other non-bike events ;) In Oct. we had a Halloween party and XMAS Party coming up... Hope to do some fun winter stuff as well... We're having a blast and getting to know some really cool people at the same time.

BTW: Cool cops that ride are ok.
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Not if they show up under cover and keep a log of everything...
It's only a matter of time dude.

LOL. You're just talking smack right? Let's see... we're gonna give up riding because we're worried about possible undercover cops. Seriously! I can understand if we were a bunch of crazies or a hardcore biker club, but that's not what the Motorcycle Distraction group is about. Besides, an undercover cop would get bored very quickly on our group. I started this group with the soul purpose of creating a tight family of riders and thankfully that's how it's turned out. If you're a fit, you're in, if not, you're out.
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