late one night recently,, some guy decided to hang a rope around his neck,, tie it to a tree,,, then jump from beside a bridge into the river,, or to the end of the rope,, whichever came first... well... the tree branch broke.. and he missed the water, landing 14' down on a flat concrete area like a sidewalk.... well,, he had his cell with him,, so he dialed 911... but he didn't know what address he was at! .. I overheard the dispatch and it sounded like directly in front of my house... so I listened... he was complaining how stupeeed the cops were.. he was pretty sure he had 2 broken legs, and pelvis,, dispatch didn't want to repeat what he described... called it multiple injries,, he gave cops wrong instructions,, said he was on the west side of the river,, but he was on the east side.. he was screaming,, but they couldn't hear over the roar of the river and the sirens of the emergency vehicles.. then his cell went dead or something as 911 couldn't call back..... about an hour later he called in again.. this time he mentioned some landmarks,, but he was vague about a "food place" .. near a traffic light.... that indicated it wasn't rural,,and they moved search to the downtown area.. it was very laughable ,, but sad ... then they found him,, but had to call in a ladder truck to boom down a basket.. which took more time... sufferin bastard ! sad... it was his second attempt that day..