You just showed to the gate attendant? You didn’t have to hand it over so they could check that it was actually issued to you?
” Asking for a friend”?
” Asking for a friend”?

You just showed to the gate attendant?
I have another question.....since I have never ridden out southwest, am I going to die from heat in my Klim overland? The venting is decent, better than the latitude, imo, but will I still find it unbearable? I don’t currently own a mesh jacket so I’m thinking I should pick one up.
I have no idea what to expect temp and weather wise. “Yeah, but it’s a dry heat”
i dont even know what what that means or feels like. I rode down to key west a couple years ago in April and I found it pretty hot in my Klim and a t. I left key west wearing all my gear except pants, I was wearing a “skort” that lasted for approximately 10 minutes before I realized I was way hotter without the pants and the grit and dirt kicked up off the road was stinging my legs. As soon as possible I pulled over and put on my pants. Plus it’s kinda scary riding with my bare skin exposed.
i have no idea how people in the states ride in shorts, tshirts and flip flops.
Before i forget, I have a airbag vest and I’m concerned if I wear it in the heat down there, it may block the jacket vents....