In the price range that the original poster wants, you can't have everything.
Anything manual and RWD in that price range will be a beat up Mustang or Camaro (gas hog), a rusted out Miata, or a BMW, and the only way a BMW is in that price range is if it needs more in repairs than the car is worth. So, forget RWD. Forget convertibles, too, for more or less the same reasons.
With the unreasonable requests out of the way, now we are down to whatever compact front-drive cars with manual transmission you can find in that price range.
Honda and Toyota are overpriced as used cars but maybe you can get lucky and find a high-mileage, but well-cared-for example.
VW is a possibility if you can find a good one. Beware of needing expensive repairs. Friend of mine was talking to me about a 2008 Rabbit (a.k.a. Golf) that's just above this price range. Has about 200k on it. A shop is selling it and he knows the mechanic who worked on it - that's the only reason he is considering it at all. The shop got it cheaply because the previous owner blew up the (manual) transmission. New transmission, new clutch, remove some of the crap that the previous owner had pimped the car out with, now the shop is selling it for more or less what they've got into it.
So now you are looking for something underappreciated in the market - something that depreciates badly but isn't actually as bad as the market thinks it is. Hyundai/Kia come to mind but if you are looking for something fun to drive, this ain't it, they're dull as dishwater. Ford Focus comes to mind (but this will be the previous body style, before 2012 - watch out for rusty rocker panels on those!). My brother-in-law had a manual Focus 5 door hatch for years and I know where that car is now (but it's not for sale). Focuses (Foci?) of this generation in good shape are decent to drive even if the body sounds like a tin can when you slam the doors - which they do. (2012-on are a lot better, but obviously more $) There is a certain engine in certain early years of Focus that you have to stay away from because they drop valve seats without warning, which shrapnelizes the engine.