Subway Slapper


Well-known member
The video is good. The article is better.

New York Post said:
Jorge Peña, 25, hailed the news that he’s been cleared criminally.

He also insisted that he was in the right from a fashion perspective.He told The Post that the jacket is actually highly fashionable right now and was worn by the rapper TI in a recent music video.
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I will not be the first to say 205. That's no way to make friends.
What if you hate all ppl?
Equally? You have to hate them all equally.

It was a guy who jumped in after he slapped her, wasn't it?

Might have been better to just put her in a wrist lock and sit her down gently.
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Not everyone knows how to perform a wrist lock; if the other person is dumb enough to struggle their wrist can be easily broken leading to a different set of consequences for that guy.
You're racist you hate black people

So because I am a white guy with a shaved head, this makes me racist?

Not sure if I said that I hate black people. Everyone has a purpose... So why hate everyone?
I dont hate black people at all personallyI just hate those types of people, there is a stereotype surrounding people that act like that being urban/black though. And even I will say that some black people I know are so white, its just a joke using the stereotype though I am not trying to be racist. Or at least not trying to be or sound racist

Just how that chick roller her tongue before hitting him with her shoes bothers me, shes just the black/urban equivalent of what people would consider white trash IMO

A big problem these days is girls acting like tough "guys"....Sometimes that just doesnt work out as they planned

Im just waiting on a .gif with that slap sound LOL that would be great
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Might have been better to just put her in a wrist lock and sit her down gently.

Risking getting bitten or clawed. Also she was with a larger, aggressive-acting group. How do you think they would have reacted if he put her in a wrist-lock? I'm glad the attackers are getting criminally charged.
This thread is similar to another on this forum "Are you guilty of any of these motorcycle fashion faux-pas?" Why do so many people feel that they have the right to tell others how to dress? If something that someone is doing or wearing doesn't affect you then you should keep your comments to yourself. Eventually if you continue to abuse the other party will have enough of you and you will have to suffer the consequences of your ignorance.

It's too bad that you have to take the verbal abuse and only after someone tries to physically attack you can you defend yourself. Ignorant people should always suffer consequences.
Classic! Wish he followed up with the back hand and and a tiger upper cut.
This reminds me of that video with the bus driver who hit another lady who was acting very similar.
Why do so many people feel that they have the right to tell others how to dress? If something that someone is doing or wearing doesn't affect you then you should keep your comments to yourself.

Why do dress codes exist in business, church, funerals, bar mitzvahs, the beach, nudist colonies, police services, no shoes no shirt no service, weddings, restaurants, night clubs, lumber camps, girl guides, little league, war re-enactments, the peleton, gay people, breakfast club, culture club, Star Trek conventions, casinos and pajama parties?

and furthermore the term faux pas was invented for a reason
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