Stupidly overpriced motorcycle for sale thread

. Maybe they don't like you.
No idea, more likely they had a lot of local walk ins that want to buy it to huff.
and it was not exclusive to me.
... maybe they just don't want posers in the pits.
What scares you away from carbs? Other than being a little more finicky on cold starts as long as they are in good working order they shouldn’t give issues.

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Just the work or patience they may involve, and horror stories I've heard of getting them to run properly, or poor starts. As much as I do like working on bikes, I just want to ride and not worry about how something works, it just should, which FI does. Also the reason I haven't gotten a KTM yet lol
We always bought shell avgas100 , which is leaded and was much better in race engines because we could run much higher compression without the pre detonation "pinging" . and the lead saved the valve seats. Not at all street legal , we bought it from the local private airpark, quietly with cash.
A lot of people equate octane # with energy in the fuel, octane is just a measurement of resistance to pre-detonation under compression. If you aren't running a high compression engine your just making yourself feel good.

I’ve had countless conversations with friends or otherwise explaining that higher octane does not equal more power and they are wasting their money putting it in their average street car. Every time their response is “I can feel the extra power”. Fine, waste your money on 94 in your

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I’ve had countless conversations with friends or otherwise explaining that higher octane does not equal more power and they are wasting their money putting it in their average street car. Every time their response is “I can feel the extra power”. Fine, waste your money on 94 in your

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The answer is more complicated on modern cars (especially turbo cars). Many are basically running autotune from the factory so while they only require regular, if you give them a few tanks of premium, they pull some timing, up the boost a bit and make more power. For me, not enough more to bother paying for premium, but for the premium only crowd at least there can be some benefit now.
The answer is more complicated on modern cars (especially turbo cars). Many are basically running autotune from the factory so while they only require regular, if you give them a few tanks of premium, they pull some timing, up the boost a bit and make more power. For me, not enough more to bother paying for premium, but for the premium only crowd at least there can be some benefit now.
Technical question: Because gasoline gets better mileage than ethanol, theoretically shouldn't one should be able to go farther on a tank of non-ethanol premium ? I've never performed the experiment but likely will next summer.
Technical question: Because gasoline gets better mileage than ethanol, theoretically shouldn't one should be able to go farther on a tank of non-ethanol premium ? I've never performed the experiment but likely will next summer.
Maybe. If the car adjusts fueling for different energy content. You are looking for 3% change in mileage. That will be hard to see on the street.
Maybe. If the car adjusts fueling for different energy content. You are looking for 3% change in mileage. That will be hard to see on the street.

I think you have the Mercedes pit crew sitting behind you that look after Lewis Hamilton, 3% gets noticed. Joe average is just feeling sassy about a tank full of gogo juice.
Wifes BMW M2 says it needs premium, the dealer can tell if you have been running other fuel. The engine absolutely runs better (no Ping) but there is zero noticeable power change, but you can hear the ping are there is a concern of long term engine damage.

Those cans of CTC instant power, tune up in a can, turbo boost in a bottle. They add about the same hp as really fast stickers do.
The kind of pinging that you hear from an engine under load isn't doing any severe damage. The kind of detonation that melts piston tops, you won't hear till it all come apart. Not my words. Words from Bruce Myers engine builder supreme.
Technical question: Because gasoline gets better mileage than ethanol, theoretically shouldn't one should be able to go farther on a tank of non-ethanol premium ? I've never performed the experiment but likely will next summer.

Energy Content of some Combustibles (in MJ/kg)​


Source: adapted from C. Ronneau (2004), Energie, pollution de l’air et developpement durable, Louvain-la-Neuve: Presses Universitaires de Louvain.
race gas is the new engine oil
The answer is more complicated on modern cars (especially turbo cars). Many are basically running autotune from the factory so while they only require regular, if you give them a few tanks of premium, they pull some timing, up the boost a bit and make more power. For me, not enough more to bother paying for premium, but for the premium only crowd at least there can be some benefit now.
My WRX states I can only use premium, and that’s all I’ve been able to find online. I don’t mind paying for it but if I could save 20-30% per fill up then I’m all ears.

Since I drive so little right now it’s not a big issue but once commuting gets going again...oof!
My WRX states I can only use premium, and that’s all I’ve been able to find online. I don’t mind paying for it but if I could save 20-30% per fill up then I’m all ears.

Since I drive so little right now it’s not a big issue but once commuting gets going again...oof!
If the manufacturer says premium, I would stick with that. Costco premium isn't bad and much cheaper than normal gas stations. The computer will probably deal with it, but you have a relatively high-strung turbo car, you've got to pay to play.
If the manufacturer says premium, I would stick with that. Costco premium isn't bad and much cheaper than normal gas stations. The computer will probably deal with it, but you have a relatively high-strung turbo car, you've got to pay to play.
That’s what I figure and better be safe than sorry. Thanks for the input.
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