Stupidly overpriced motorcycle for sale thread

That exhaust is $1200? I saw somebody with that at Grand Bend and I honestly thought it was something from Aliexpress. It looks like it was cobbled together from a beer can and a shower drain

The SC Project stuff is generally quite well made, and I think made in Italy. But they are definitely best known for the 'GP Style' super short cans that are inevitably deafeningly loud. I don't think they're much for adding power, either. I'd never use one for those reasons, but when attached to an RSV4, they do make my favourite racket of any bike anywhere:

It was definitely deafening, I'll say that
Why buy brand new when you can get a used one with 13000 km for even more?

Why buy brand new when you can get a used one with 13000 km for even more?

Maybe a typo? It's showing as over $4k less than a new one for me, which seems about right. Not a deal, but not overpriced, either...
Maybe a typo? It's showing as over $4k less than a new one for me, which seems about right. Not a deal, but not overpriced, either...
A brand new 850 is 13.5

an old one with 13000 km isnt worth 14.5
A brand new 850 is 13.5

an old one with 13000 km isnt worth 14.5
This is the XCa, though, which goes for $18,900 new. Not that I could explain the crazy number of variations on the model that Triumph offers or why the XCa is $5,100 more than the XR..
A brand new 850 is 13.5

an old one with 13000 km isnt worth 14.5
This is the XCa, though, which goes for $18,900 new. Not that I could explain the crazy number of variations on the model that Triumph offers or why the XCa is $5,100 more than the XR..
Correct, one shouldn't compare the XCA to the new, bare-bones 850. Quite different bikes.

2014 ninja 250 needs repairs lost ownership $1950
Also includes the super high-tech anti-theft device of a stick in the wheel.

This is also a fine example of the 'can't be arsed to take a picture of the whole bike' category of ads..
Another one that doesn't know how to fix'em, they just know how to break'em.
Yeah. It may just need valve adjustment but how long has he ridden it making the strange noise?

Also instagram stickers on the bike. That automatically caps its value as I havent met anyone with instagram stickers that wasnt a knob.
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