Stupidly overpriced motorcycle for sale thread

1990 ninja 250 for $700 with pro rebuilt carbs. Just bought and fixed now selling for a loss. Just seems funky.

Wouldn't be the first person to buy a bike then call his insurance company.
Isn't that the normal procedure? Don't get what you're saying.

It is often wiser to obtain an ins. quote PRIOR to buying a new vehicle to make sure that the premiums are affordable
Isn't that the normal procedure? Don't get what you're saying.

There's bikes that I'm uninsurable on through my insurance company, and I've had my M for 45 years. Do the math.

It is often wiser to obtain an ins. quote PRIOR to buying a new vehicle to make sure that the premiums are affordable

Very true, I failed to do that just this past week, bought a great bike on a whim or otherwise it would be gone. Then I called my insurance to insure it. They never quoted me a quote, I'm prepared to pay whatever it is for this bike for insurance. But it's not a supersports so I'm not worried.

FULL MOTO JACKET must be talking about some 1300cc super-sports.
WTF happened, the frame is absolutely shattered. T-boned? Would that even be enough?

I don't think it was hit, I think it hit something, on the front left.
The top, at least, triple is smashed, and the steering head is pushed to the right, and the frame is broke on the right side, above the clutch.
My guess is this bike slammed into the side of a car, while trying to turn right.

I'm try to get in touch with the seller.
I DEFINITELY see $500 in those wheels, brakes and swing arm.
FULL MOTO JACKET must be talking about some 1300cc super-sports.

Nope. Called last month to get the temp. Covid discount on my truck. Asked for a quote on a 05 CBR600RR to compare the price against my (similar displacement) bike. It's on their restricted list. Too many Rs in the model name, apparently.
I don't think it was hit, I think it hit something, on the front left.
The top, at least, triple is smashed, and the steering head is pushed to the right, and the frame is broke on the right side, above the clutch.
My guess is this bike slammed into the side of a car, while trying to turn right.

I'm try to get in touch with the seller.
I DEFINITELY see $500 in those wheels, brakes and swing arm.
Oh yeah, I forgot about desirable those are for SSSA conversions
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