Stupidly overpriced motorcycle for sale thread

2015 BMW S1000RR World Super Bike | Sport Bikes | City of Toronto | Kijiji

Whats that saying about aftermarket upgrades and resale value?
I agree with where you are going here. Interesting example though with the quality of aftermarket parts. Aren’t the forks alone around $10,000 u.s?

Guessing because I’m not up to speed on the super bike aftermarket stuff but I bet he has his asking price in just forks, shock and wheels.

Still think it would be a tough sell but I can see it appealing to someone and the seller getting close to his ask. Serious bike he has there.
Yup, if you're going to build something like that you should be keeping it forever.
Picked up an XR50 years back. Did $1200 in tall fat guy mods. Sold it for $900 a year or so later. It was fun untill every else had kids and toys got sold. Then you look sad playing by yourself.
is there actually 100k of mods in the bike? I didn't even know you can spend that much on mods for a bike...

Yeah, pretty close. If he bought it all new that is. The forks are closer to 20k CAD alone if you buy them new.

You can spend way more then 100k for a wsbk prepped bike for sure.

I think a chunk of that money he spent was in tuning and some labour as well.
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I wouldn't place that bike in the overpirced category then lol, looking at what it comes with, even the Carbon wheelset, $24k is a steal. New and stock starts at $16k, prob $18-19k otd. The man hours and labour, plus parts into then, not to mention its kijiji so prob can bring it down to $22k cash. If I had the dough and passion for such bikes, I'd get it.

Just checked, those wheel are close to $5k alone. Ouch, I though spending $200 on barkbusters was stretch :cry:
Ontop of that only 2,100kms! How can you add all that, and just do the first service oil change and then sell... Whoever buys that will get a deal of a lifetime, almost feel the guy should just part it out, return to stock and then sell to recover.
At one time in the late 1960s you could buy these from Sun-Glo Sales and Hercules Army Surplus on Yonge St. for $675 in the crate WITH a spares kit !
This guy's on crack - Triumph TRW
If you are a Yamanut -- this is the rarerest and coolest of their STs. I've only seen this model once on the road, it's got an FZ1 FI engine, forkless front suspension, and a single 6 piston. It was slotted between the FJ1200 and the FJR -- too expensive to be commercially successful.

Yamaha GTS 1000 | Sport Touring | Kingston | Kijiji
At one time in the late 1960s you could buy these from Sun-Glo Sales and Hercules Army Surplus on Yonge St. for $675 in the crate WITH a spares kit !
This guy's on crack - Triumph TRW

In 1963 you could buy a Split Window Corvette for just over $3,000. Try to find a mint one for under $150,000 today. One sold at Barret Jackson for $385,000 US. People collecting old bikes and cars that you can't find easily will pay good money for them.
At one time in the late 1960s you could buy these from Sun-Glo Sales and Hercules Army Surplus on Yonge St. for $675 in the crate WITH a spares kit !
This guy's on crack - Triumph TRW

In 1980 the auto wrecker in Newtonville (East of Oshawa) was selling them for $1100. While I was dying to get a YZ100 my father wanted me to get one of these. In the end I bought a dt100 (and beat the crap out of it).

Hindsight being what it is, I shoulda bought one. I could have been the coolest 16 year old in town. Couldn't I? Or am I mixing up "weird" with cool?
In 1963 you could buy a Split Window Corvette for just over $3,000. Try to find a mint one for under $150,000 today. One sold at Barret Jackson for $385,000 US. People collecting old bikes and cars that you can't find easily will pay good money for them.
An army surplus flathead 500cc twin ain't no Corvette. And the one in the ad needs a lotta love.
In 1980 the auto wrecker in Newtonville (East of Oshawa) was selling them for $1100. While I was dying to get a YZ100 my father wanted me to get one of these. In the end I bought a dt100 (and beat the crap out of it).

Hindsight being what it is, I shoulda bought one. I could have been the coolest 16 year old in town. Couldn't I? Or am I mixing up "weird" with cool?
You made the right choice.
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