"Picked this up as a project bike. Got it running, then the engine seized. needs a new engine top end rebuilt. includes piston rings and head gasket. transmission was rebuilt before seized. no 2nd gear problem. comes with spare parts motor, Needs bodywork, needs one handlebar control backing
NO Bodywork. only gastank with a fist sized dent. "
So for $1400 you get a seized motor, no plastic, dented tank.
You missed a good part.
"or i'll be parting it out shortly. big ticket items first."
I'd like to know what the big ticket items are? Frame for 200, wheels for 100?
Normally parting out a damaged bike should get you about double selling it whole, so in this case, parted out is $500 plus or minus so the bike is worth ~$250 as it sits.
EDIT: Odo shows 76,000+ km. Nobody will want the frame either. He's lowered his price, another listing has the bike for 1500
They also have another clapped out 01 R6 for $3000 and 4 pages of other crap.
One of his ads for a bastard Harley ($4300)
"1970 Harley Sporster Ironhead frame
With 1974 Ironhead motor with Electric start
Registered as a 1983 Harley sportster, due to registrations following the engine years back in the day. A 1983 engine must have been in it at some point...."
He'll also build you a custom frame :/
"I build frames! Canadian made! Not cheap frames.
These are not stock replacement frames. These are for real builders who have some know how and can use a welder to weld mounting tabs and customize to fit.
Custom frames starting at $2000. (Rigid For EVO motor)
Don't ask me how much to complete the build. Everyone is different. The choices are endless. You can buy used engines from $1500 to new engines for $15000...... just as an example.....
All frames come with an Ontario certified custom title."
He is gold. Burnt wiring harness $80, caliper with broken mounting tab $80, frame with no title with engine mounts broken off $80. If you take $80 off each part you are in the ballpark.