Stupidly overpriced motorcycle for sale thread

Here is one for you. They aren't posting the price but I called them directly... I know a bike is worth what someone is willing to pay but this is ridiculous! $33,000 is their asking price. I sold a 2006, a nicer example than this one, in 2013 for $11,000.

You having seller's remorse?

That's weird about that bike, though. They have so much Ducati inventory (including a Desmosedici for only $40K!) that they can't be blind to market value. Maybe they got roped into a consignment deal for a crazy person
At least in the description it says "Finance with us @ 4.9% 60 months open $9,295.00 + HST and licensing"

Yeah, it's a typo. Even 9,295 is at least a grand too high, though... whatevs, I'd rather have a 695 anyway
You having seller's remorse?

That's weird about that bike, though. They have so much Ducati inventory (including a Desmosedici for only $40K!) that they can't be blind to market value. Maybe they got roped into a consignment deal for a crazy person

Yes :-)
Here is one for you. They aren't posting the price but I called them directly... I know a bike is worth what someone is willing to pay but this is ridiculous! $33,000 is their asking price.


Ummm....What exactly would make them think that's worth anywhere CLOSE to $33K? Basically, what...the fact it's a Ducati, and some poor fool will pay for the name?
Peninsula... not exactly known for their competitive pricing.

@PrivatePilot; do we need to set a Picard meme limit for you? That's 2 in as many days *tisk tisk*

Hard to tell from the pictures but looks like it needs more work than just a motor. Looks like the chain is either way out of adjustment or shot, the seat is either not sitting right or the subframe is bent, there's also an inch of dust on it so obviously been sitting for a while. I would have a really hard time offering $1000 for it, that's a $3500 bike in good condition.
I almost wonder if some of the crazy pricing is actually smart, and a result of a wife or girlfriend (or husband or boyfriend) telling them to sell the bike. So they post it for a crazy amount, and say "Well I've posted it, but I want to keep riding until it sells".
My wife would agree that I should get what I paid for my bike, maybe even a little more.

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@DejaVu from what I've seen that's not a terrible price. I've seen them listed at around $8k usually with that conversion.

Sent from my custom purple Joe Bass mobile device using Tapatalk
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