Stupidly overpriced motorcycle for sale thread

They honestly weren't common even back then. To see one that nice is pretty rare. Not sure of monetary value personally but I wouldn't think he's overly high. Supply and demand...
Agreed, i had one and liked it. previous owner cracked the front fairing and i streetfightered it.
still sold for $2k 3 years ago. so that price isn't that bad. they are pretty rare now in good condition.
I had to LOL at the dude who listed his Monster Energy ZX6R in the classifieds as "RARE" hahahah.... I wonder if he realizes that's the most whored out colour scheme in that model year.

The rarest one is the 2010 passion red. It was a solid red, no funky two tone colour schemes or decals, it was only made that year and never again, still looking for one...
^the cel phone pic of an actual picture is golden.

And that pose! wow, he must have gotten all the girls.
My friend sold that bike back in 2011. I think he got around 2700.
I sold a certified 94(?) ex250 like 8 years ago for $2200
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