Stupid things people do in these times

My boxer X will let anybody in the house, show them the silver chest and roll over for a belly rub. I put on a respirator to spray paint and she looses her mind. They all act different.
I'm on my second boxer (y) great dogs.
Throat and sinus disinfectant:

Throat and sinus disinfectant:


Your answer to the question "if animals are susceptible to Covid-19 why don't they have a similar rate of infection as humans?" is Cognac?
Your answer is to give all the animals Cognac?
No that's for my own sinus and throat disinfectant. You ever try it?
and the thread title is stupid things people do in these times, not stupid questions people ask in these times.
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Stolen from facebook. A friend of a friend. Definitely more action needed to send people to mandatory purgatory for many months as they don't understand how dumb they are.


I'm at Walmart parking lot Cobourg March 23, 5pm. There are at least 7 RVs here in the lot.
I talked to a couple who just got done shopping who are on their way from Arizona to Quebec.
I explained to them they are to self quarantine for 14 days and are to have others do their shopping. I explained this is for everyone's safety.
They said they were fine, apologized and said they wouldn't do it again.
I did a 3 minute interview with them but accidentally took a picture instead of hitting the record button!
I spoke to the Cobourg Police and was told their hands are tied right now and there's nothing they can do about it right now.
The officer said because it's private property as of right now it's Walmart's issue.
He also suggested that may change by tomorrow.
I spoke with customer service at Walmart and explained the situation. They had no idea.
We have to be diligent and do our part to protect our community.

Speaking of dumb, how are they flat-towing a CRV with all four wheels down?
A lot of vehicles get towed 4 wheels down, and it the RV community its pretty common to have the steering locks disabled so you can tow 4 wheels down. Some AWD are 4 wheels up, some 4 down, some have goofy transmission in P but transfer cases in N .
There is a whole industry in setting up cars to be towed behind RV's
A lot of vehicles get towed 4 wheels down, and it the RV community its pretty common to have the steering locks disabled so you can tow 4 wheels down. Some AWD are 4 wheels up, some 4 down, some have goofy transmission in P but transfer cases in N .
There is a whole industry in setting up cars to be towed behind RV's
The jeep makes sense as it has a transfer case, and obviously the crv hasn't puked its guts out so it must he working. I have just never seen a fwd auto or awd car flat-towed before. Those transmissions normally dont like it.
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