Stuff I've been up to. | Page 5 |

Stuff I've been up to.

CSM rules from ADVRider

The CS&M Forum Rules:

Just like politics, religion, and finances are not polite to raise at dinner, they also are topics that should not be raised in other forums. The "Church, State & Money" forum is here specifically for those discussions.

Keeping in mind the subject matter, threads will be moderated a bit more strictly than in the general area. A few general rules to keep in mind:

- There will be heated discussions here, which is understandable, since people feel passionately about these topics. However, under no circumstances are threats allowed, physical or otherwise. This includes threats of legal action or threats involving an inmate's employment. Likewise, even casual comments that someone or some group should be hung, shot, executed, or other similar remarks don't fly.

- The idea of this forum is to promote intelligent discussion (hard as that may be to believe. ) If you simply cut n' paste, your post will be merged. We've all seen the emails from your crazy uncle before, and we all can read editorials from the newspapers at their websites. Try to add to the discussion.

- If you start a thread on a subject that has been hashed over 100x before, don't be surprised if it is merged into an existing thread on the same topic.

- While in Church, State & Money, please refrain from starting threads that do not fit in the forum. Keep that stuff for the general JoMomma area.

- Needless dickery is frowned upon. Repeat offenders will be banned.

Oh, one more thing. The moderators' decisions are final. Don't
whine about it.
P&R (politics and religion) fits better since we’re not a “State”, IMHO.

And the sooner I can block it, the better.

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