Strike three?

Buddy is back and it turns out that the cop wrote him up for fail to produce insurance and he didn't have a current plate sticker. No ticket for the rolling stop. He thought it was the insurance and stop.

The two tickets come to about $150.00 which he would gladly pay if it wasn't for the potential of an insurance reaming.

Do these go on his abstract as driving offenses or are they administrative?

It sounds like he's been charged with Fail To Surrender Insurance Card and Drive With No Valid Permit. If so, neither carries a demerit point penalty but both would result in a record of conviction visible for insurance purposes.
Above is correct info, if he goes to first attendance with the valid insurance card, likely will get dropped. The no valid permit, will be tougher, especially if he hadn't bought it yet. If had bought it prior, bring it to first attendance. If it truly was for No Valid Permit as opposed to the fail to display, (in other words hadn't placed the sticker on the plate), then that too should get dropped as the crown will see the purchase date was prior to the offence date. Of course there are no guarantees the crown may proceed with one or both.
Well thanks everyone and my apologies for wasting your time. I was driving with buddy today and he's going to let things ride and see what happens with his insurance.

Also he kept doing rolling stops.

Also he got another fail to produce insurance ticket on the weekend.
Some people never learn. One of my buddies a now retired OPP Sgt., used to say, If I stop someone, and they seem remorseful, he will give them a break. But often the best education for others is when it comes from their wallet.

Did your buddy just not carry his insurance card, or is he driving dirty??

I don't think you wasted anyone's time, by trying to help your friend, if nothing else perhaps someone here on the forum, learned something from all the replies.

Well thanks everyone and my apologies for wasting your time. I was driving with buddy today and he's going to let things ride and see what happens with his insurance.

Also he kept doing rolling stops.

Also he got another fail to produce insurance ticket on the weekend.
Some people never learn. One of my buddies a now retired OPP Sgt., used to say, If I stop someone, and they seem remorseful, he will give them a break. But often the best education for others is when it comes from their wallet.

Did your buddy just not carry his insurance card, or is he driving dirty??

I don't think you wasted anyone's time, by trying to help your friend, if nothing else perhaps someone here on the forum, learned something from all the replies.

He was legal but couldn't prove it. Driving wife's car.

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