Streetsville Sunday Rides

wow i'm back up and live ------thanks Paulie
Great ride on Sunday!!
South wood was in the best shape i have ever seen!!!!!!!!!!!
Was that any Fun
Just throwing a reminder out for everybody that next week (Sept. 23) is the 12th Annual Aminal and Fozzy's Ride and BBQ.

The last 2 years we did a pre-ride to get to elmvale. This means leaving early in the AM (like 8am). Lemme know if everybody is up for it or not and I'll make a route.

I'll talk to those who show tomorrow morning about it and go from there.
on my way over. should be 30-40 minutes
Hey Kyle,thumbs up to the preride to the Zooooooooooooooo
-just let me know if 8:00 am is the hard number
-will be there for sure!!!:agave:
any room for a beach dude ?
nice to see this thread still alive....sorry i've been so quiet.
i jus need to change out my fire breather and if thats cool i wiil be down for a early morn tour before the zoo.
Newman ...i'll see ya thurs nite at the clinic :p
The Red Zeder appears on the forum!!!!!
Good to C u r still with us hahahaha,be great to c u Sunday morning----Ken said u can ride ***** with him??

The Red Zeder appears on the forum!!!!!
Good to C u r still with us hahahaha,be great to c u Sunday morning----Ken said u can ride ***** with him??

No thats cool....ill jus ride in my normal position...i know ya like watching my butt from afar !
Just throwing a reminder out for everybody that next week (Sept. 23) is the 12th Annual Aminal and Fozzy's Ride and BBQ.

The last 2 years we did a pre-ride to get to elmvale. This means leaving early in the AM (like 8am). Lemme know if everybody is up for it or not and I'll make a route.

I'll talk to those who show tomorrow morning about it and go from there.
Guess you didnt make it out!!! Yep I'm in for Sunday
The Red Zeder appears on the forum!!!!!
Good to C u r still with us hahahaha,be great to c u Sunday morning----Ken said u can ride ***** with him??

some of youse guys is enjoying this just a little too much me thinks..keep both your hands on the keyboard
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