Streetsville Sunday Rides

It was a great day for a ride! Weather was perfect and route great!
Had lots of fun! On the way home went through the Forks, also rode down 6th line to Dundas.
Thank's for posting!
Nice to finally get out for my first ssr !
great to see you all and meet some new peeps as well.
finally my rubbers are stickin....rds were in great shape eh
thanks to mike for all the yummy food....glad to have a master chef coming to the gap:blob7:
Southwood was not so great (even after last rain fall), but 507 was (and no caps). This time with V Stroms gang (and some other bikes). Started from Mississauga at8.15am. Barrie 10 am. Then Southwood, Bracebridge, 118 to 35 South. 507 and back to 35 Southh. Down to 401 West. Back in Mississauga at 9.45pm after 725km. Great weather. Great ride. Great day.
I will try to get over for a coffee at 10:15-10:30----when i get back from me 10ks down Yonge st !!!


If i don't make it I will C U in the Gap !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i just got back from the gf's place and it is raining all the way from aurora to sauga ... sprinkling but still water droplets coming down as an fyi ... if its dry i'll see about coming by for a coffee but I have stuff to do today ...
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