Streetsville Sunday Rides

Sounds good,lets get together on Friday--as i have to work on saturday!!
-I"ll stay posted

Good ride boys. Little slippery out there today. Hope everyone made it through the traffic ok on the way back.

Turns out a guy tried to commit suicide at Appelby Line by crashing his car in the eastbound lanes. It didn't work and he lived. So he climbed the overpass and jumped off into Westbound traffic. Dead.
if at first you dont succeed, try, try again.

made it home ok. good easy ride today. too much traffic though.
So it turns out that turning your gps on and off all the time to get the music playing at regular speed instead of double speed affects the accuracy of your trip measuring, who knew?

Agreed on the traffic, but all ended well, so I won't complain, much.
Hey Ken ....very tempting to come out and meet more new peeps but would be 3 days riding in a row.Boy this is getting addictive

Will try to make next week
Hey Ken ....very tempting to come out and meet more new peeps but would be 3 days riding in a row.Boy this is getting addictive

Will try to make next week
No problem dude next weekend or if weathers good Burrito Boyz Tuesday
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Soory Ladds, i left at 9:50-------thinking i got stood up!!

Hello all,The Sreetsville Riders are hosting a Port Dover Ride,if u have not been FB,Please feel free and welcome to post up that u r going to be attending so we have some what of an accurate count!!!
-We will guarantee u will have an enjoyable Day!!!
e=bigd600rr@live .com

further details will be posted.
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