Streetsville Sunday Rides

I think im out unless my luck changes.
*started to work on the bike but needed tools I didnt have at home so went to the shop twice for tools.
*picked up my oil drain bucket and it broke, oil everywhere in the garage.
**went to home depot to buy a brrom, squeegy, and oil cleaner.
*came home and wASHED THE GARAFE OUT
*left the tap on and flodded the basement
*mow im sittin in the living room having a drink, i think I should just go to bed!
I think im out unless my luck changes.
*started to work on the bike but needed tools I didnt have at home so went to the shop twice for tools.
*picked up my oil drain bucket and it broke, oil everywhere in the garage.
**went to home depot to buy a brrom, squeegy, and oil cleaner.
*came home and wASHED THE GARAFE OUT
*left the tap on and flodded the basement
*mow im sittin in the living room having a drink, i think I should just go to bed!
This is hilarious. Feel sorry for you.
Ditto________________________ if it wasn't for **** luck U wouldn't have any!!!!!!
It was nice meeting you and see familier faces as well as new guys. To bad I coudn't join you. I hope you'll have a great ride today.
as always a fun ride.

what are the odds we would get to see sarah jessica parker. i hope she didnt hurt her self.
Did I miss something on the way home - or is that what the road was closed for? No issues here.

New bike ran great. I figured out why the right footpeg kept flipping up, looks like I didn't quite get that bolt tightened enough. Fixed.
Awesome day of riding,great seeing the main stayers and meeting the new guys!(welcome--we hope the pace was fine)Until the next ride,have fun and be safe!!!!:cheers:
Where's the toilet
Hey guys. I never made it out to say hello or join one of these rides last year. Hope to come out and meet up with everyone soon!
Awesome day of riding,great seeing the main stayers and meeting the new guys!(welcome--we hope the pace was fine)Until the next ride,have fun and be safe!!!!:cheers:
Where's the toilet

Great Ride ! Cool to see everyone, meet the new ones, their new the R1 Daryl pretty flash and what a sweet sound it makes ....the CBR 125 is awesome too.......and is it me or is N3wman taller than ever on the DRZ ( I've never ridden in front of him! ) but he always looks tall from behind I think its just way more upright! a very cool ride too.
Watching that horse was freaking me out and people think bikes are dangerous!

Anyone hear from Martin or Holly?
I'm gonna be going to the Spring Motorcycle show this Sunday. If anybody is interested I was thinkin we could do a short ride to the show, and a longer one after the show.

whatsa the plan then? meet at timmies for ride down? rain option take the cages?
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