Streetsville Sunday Rides

hey, ive never been on this ride and was just wondering if someone could fill me in on the details, where do you guys meet and what time do you head out ?? thanks

Meetup usually around 10-10:30 at Streetsville Timmies at Queen St. plaza. Full tank, empty bladders. Then head out when everyone is there...
Its a pretty fast paced ride, not too noob friendly.
So Sunday is approaching,are we going to meet early and travell up as a group to Fozzy BBQ(the elmvale zoo)--it was mentioned last year the departure time was around 8:00am. please sound in and let me know your thoughts!!
i plan on going. waking up to be at timmies for 8 might be a litle tough, but i will be there.

so far the weather is looking good for this weekend. should be fun.
So here is the plan for the upcoming Aminal and Fozzy's BBQ ride

Meet up at Streetsville Tim Horton's for 7:30am. We will leave by 8:00am.

If you cannot make the Streetsville meet or you hail from the north, we will be meeting up with Red Zeder at the Forks around 8:30am.

From there we will be doing a nice twisty ride up to the Elmvale Zoo to meet up for Aminal & Fozzy's Ride and BBQ. We should get there around 10:00-10:30am.

I hope to see as many of the Streetsville Sunday regulars out as possible. I know lots of us have been doing our own thing this year and havent been doing nearly as many Sunday rides as we did last year. I hope this ride will be like the old days lol.

See you all on Sunday with full tanks and empty bladders.

See you all at the Shed in the forks at 8:30 am with Red Zedder!! Looking forward to an outstanding day. Cudo to the full tank of gas (no unexpected fill up's lol)
See you all at the Shed in the forks at 8:30 am with Red Zedder!! Looking forward to an outstanding day. Cudo to the full tank of gas (no unexpected fill up's lol)
I'll be there too. :)
Wow. Red Zeder is back! friend!!
Red is still here...I really never left...just been creeping in the background ! :)
Still riding tons...almost daily. Had to incorporate more night rides during the hot days but now back to day rides.
We missed you today for the annual Aminal n Fozzy ride / BBQ...hope to see ya soon....ride safe Rick.
Great turnout today for the good to see all and nice to see our buddys Steve and Graham too. :)
Perfect weather , nice roads n casual pace.
See ya all again soon.
had alot of fun today. i have missed the sunday rides. will have to start coming out to them more now that its not so hot out.

even managed to dodge 3 riders on river road today. they all ran wide in a corner and headed right for me. split the 3 of them and gave them the streetsville salute while doing it. good times! friend!!
Red is still here...I really never left...just been creeping in the background ! :)
Still riding tons...almost daily. Had to incorporate more night rides during the hot days but now back to day rides.
We missed you today for the annual Aminal n Fozzy ride / BBQ...hope to see ya soon....ride safe Rick.
Thanks Martin. You too. I couldn't make it. I had to ride with Voytek to pick up my new bike (Sold the Vee, got the Wee). And this time is red like yours. I rode it from Montreal couple of weeks ago and last weekend I put already over 1600 km on it riding with Voytek almost all 500 roads. It's only 650, but I have more fun then on my 1000. See you guys.
Thank you all so very much for such a fun day on the Bike!!Glad to see everyone.
I beleive as a group we represented ourself in typical Streetsville fashion (all good)
awesome ride!,was good to see all the peeps again.Props to Mark for avoiding what I thought was a sure head on collision on river road,stopped off in the ov for a couple cold cervezas at my buddies place on the way back. A great day indeed ,see you guys soon
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