Streetsville Sunday Rides

Okay all ya whiners. The next Sunday that isn't a race weekend for me is July 17. If the weather is good then meet at the Streetsville Timmies.
Can't do this weekend. Thursdayi fly to Florida to watch the last space shuttle launch
there should be a ride next sunday.

had a good weekend of riding at the sport bike rally this weekend. hope everyone made it home safe, even the trailer queens.
I hope everyone who didn't make it had a good weekend, I know we did. The trailer Queen did make it back home, safe and sound. Still haven't spoke to BabyFresh but I'm sure he had a nice quick ride back early this morning with no traffic. -Babs
Perfect weeekend!!thankyou to everyone who attended!aka Diesel___ still smiling thinking about all the laughs we had!!
I had a great weekend at the SBR. Next year I am going to get a cottage the same as what you all did this year. Kinda wished I had cancelled my reservations at Trappers and hung out with all you folks at 'Candlelight by the Bay'. I never made it back to hand in my Poker Run cards. lol

The weekend went way too fast. Next year I am going to go up a day earlier to get a full day of riding before anyone shows up. :)
there should be a ride next sunday.

had a good weekend of riding at the sport bike rally this weekend. hope everyone made it home safe, even the trailer queens.

You know its tough when you don't make it into the SSR 200kmh club and your prize is you have to trailer your bike home in airconditioned comfort just chilling and singing along with the satelite radio, and enjoying the power of that HEMI rumbling under your right foot....ooh the horror!
I hope everyone who didn't make it had a good weekend, I know we did. The trailer Queen did make it back home, safe and sound. Still haven't spoke to BabyFresh but I'm sure he had a nice quick ride back early this morning with no traffic. -Babs

Babow,Babs big thanks from us all for all your hard work, time and efforts in planning, running around, shopping, cooking, cleaning, ( loaning me your car and trailer especially), it really made for an extra specail good time being able to ride, do the SBR , but also have a lot of fun at the cottage, good times!!!!
Perfect weeekend!!thankyou to everyone who attended!aka Diesel___ still smiling thinking about all the laughs we had!!

Double 'D' man. I thought I told Mark to lock the dang door to the cottage! By the way the neighbors all came around in the morning asking if we'd seen anybody pilfering firewood??? Also talked with your friend that frequented the washrooms ..turns out she had caught part of the Diesel act and really appreciated it.
Bandit- All 3 of those posts just cracked me up and kept me smiling! Was talking to Red Zeder tonight. He wants to know when y'all are going to do some SSR rides again. LOL. Been a fun couple weeks though with the Friday, Saturday- laid back Sunday rides, cottage. We've have been all over the place! The cottage weekend at SBR was awesome for us too. We appreciate the thanks very much and we're glad everyone enjoyed themselves. I guess we are a good team :D
Big thanks to Babow and Babs for the SBR weekend. Most fun I have had riding in Ontario yet. Great food, great company, and most of all, great riding. The SBR was a lot more fun than I thought it would be. A little unorganized at time but overall a great experience.

Anybody who didn't make 200+ (You know who your are) is buying Burrito's on Tuesday!
Big thanks to Babow and Babs for the SBR weekend. Most fun I have had riding in Ontario yet. Great food, great company, and most of all, great riding. The SBR was a lot more fun than I thought it would be. A little unorganized at time but overall a great experience.

Anybody who didn't make 200+ (You know who your are) is buying Burrito's on Tuesday!

couldn't make it out tonight so next week tell you what you buy the burritos and I'll buy the pop....think of it this way the VFR is 500lbs+ plus my weight so handicapping that against a 636 350lbs with your weight not to mention my limited reflexes at my advanced age and the fact I was running on a bald *** tire with cord showing, the wind resistance of my puffy jacket ... oh well there's always next year ( maybe I'll bring the Bandit - no replacement for displacement, thats what she said right?)
LOL, too bad the trailer Queen already told me he's not going to make it this Tuesday!

Trailer queen !!! Listen to these guys will you ... you weren't complaining last year riding Bi*ch on the bandit
When/ wheres the next radar run I want a re-run
couldn't make it out tonight so next week tell you what you buy the burritos and I'll buy the pop....think of it this way the VFR is 500lbs+ plus my weight so handicapping that against a 636 350lbs with your weight not to mention my limited reflexes at my advanced age and the fact I was running on a bald *** tire with cord showing, the wind resistance of my puffy jacket ... oh well there's always next year ( maybe I'll bring the Bandit - no replacement for displacement, thats what she said right?)
Any more excuses?
post number 2000 in the ssr. what do i win?

everyone should stop making fun of the trailer queen. he must feel bad enough being beat by 3 600cc bikes on his 800.
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