Street legal "Blue" plated Dirt bike drivers licence requirements for off road.


Active member
I have a few street legal dirt bikes for my sons and I, that we ride at the cottage, both on road, and also off road on Crown land. Sometimes I will let guests ride my bikes at the cottage who don't have a M2, M1, or M licence.

1) When a guest rides a "Blue" plated bike off road on Crown land, do they need a licence of any kind?

2) Can the guest with a G2 or G licence ride on the shoulder of the road like the new "Green" off road plate rules allow for Green plated bikes?
Short answer?
1 yes, they should be covered, ensure you have an OPFC32 endorsement. This allows riders under 16 to be covered (liability only) offroad.
2 No. A blue plated bike on the road requires a class m1 m2 or m regardless of green plate legislation.

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