First the helmet on the ground rule, never heard of it. Not sure I would put my helmet on the ground, too much debris - it goes on the seat or in the topbox.
Last year I was riding through Mojave and stopped to take some pictures on a very quiet side road. Not 5 minutes after I stop a Hells Angels stops to make sure I was okay. He was riding full patch, but wanted to make sure I was okay. If he can take the 2 minutes to ensure a fellow biker is okay, so can I.
Last year I was riding through Mojave and stopped to take some pictures on a very quiet side road. Not 5 minutes after I stop a Hells Angels stops to make sure I was okay. He was riding full patch, but wanted to make sure I was okay. If he can take the 2 minutes to ensure a fellow biker is okay, so can I.