Stop the War of Drivers Caroline Mulroney

Real problem is you go to the doc because you felt dizzy , which may be because the day before you worked in the sun and your actual problem is dehydration. But in the review you ticked a couple boxes and now your getting notice your license is cooked . It’s actually that simple .
And Carolyn can’t tell you why , how many or when it may get fixed . That’s not good

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Checkup from a concussion+. Told my doc I was having the odd bout of mild Vertigo. His response: “You might not want to say that too loud”. Uh…..? “I’m supposed to pull your license if you say that to me.” Ahhhh. Gotcha. “So, how do you feel?” I feel fine.
Checkup from a concussion+. Told my doc I was having the odd bout of mild Vertigo. His response: “You might not want to say that too loud”. Uh…..? “I’m supposed to pull your license if you say that to me.” Ahhhh. Gotcha. “So, how do you feel?” I feel fine.
Had a neurologist flag my license over a deal like that. Only thing that allowed me to keep my driving privileges was my GP writing a letter that refuted the neurologists prognosis. I was damn lucky to have a good relationship with my GP. If he hadn't stood up for me I would likely still be fighting to reinstate my license.
The point that I am trying to make is that if you can get in front of this immediately upon notification of intent to have your license pulled by a doctor you can still keep your license with some help.
Got the call from the neurologist at 7:45 AM on a Monday "just letting you know that I'm recommending having your drivers license suspended for medical reasons bye" click.
And what part of free speech is it you don't like again?
The parts I don't like: Clear lies (Trump noise), fail to disclose the speaker's deep-rooted interests (PSUs using surrogate disguises), hate speech (West), or untruths spoken simply as a stir for personal or gain (Alex Jones).

"I guess harper taught Dofo how to muzzle officals. Nothing new here." This doesn't bother me, it's clearly political commentary with bad spelling. OK unless you're teaching it to school kids.
At least somebody gets it.
Well yeah but look who in the audience gets the punchline?

I’m kidding

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I thought it would be more a fear of lawsuits.
Imagine you clear someone, who then promptly dies of what you cleared them of, taking multiple people with them while driving.

Funny because in my line of work I see a lot of doctors do the opposite. Clearing people unfit to work or writing whatever patients want.
The problem as someone else stated is that there is zero to little recourse for doctors who do any wrong. Whether it be as small as misdiagnosis or even as big as killing patients.

I've had a doctor write off someone as unfit to work and needing to be seated, not lift anything over 5 lbs and in the same day he is 100% capable.
Same doctor, same date. (because this was a non-work injury and he would not be accommodated)
With so many nuts on the road already with no physical disabilities, tell me, is it better to ere on the side of caution or just be loose with objective reasoning? Better that it is harder to get it back than easier. I was out for a year and never complained because I let my issue work through the system. Sure everyone has stories, so when did you wake up and think we live suddenly in a perfect world?
Two sides for sure , but since the province started messing around in medicine, they create a form that doctors have to fill out for condition xxx , the doctor looses the ability to assess the situation, tick the box and some minion in Sudbury sends you a suspended licence notice. It’s a problem

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