Stolen 2008 cbr600rr graffiti

I took it up if I was not using it for a few day, parked it beside my BBQ.
other then that I got a parking spot the had walls on the back and sides. put my car in on an angle with the wheel cranked (and steering lock on) and jumped over the hood. the bike was sidewas with the car backed up to it. see if you can find a spot like that in your building and see if you can swap for it.
I suppose that would make it legal but I think motor vehicles are not allowed to be inside a condo.

Take some crucial component off and then claim it's all just parts. Would be a giant pain in the *** if you rode it daily, though. But just taking it up the elevator daily would be a pain anyway. The fuel tank isn't really that hard to get off on a lot of bikes.

If you park it on your balcony that might get by any fuel issues (similar to having a propane tank on the balcony) but then you could get into weight issues and you're still going to be pissing people off taking up the elevator and through hallways.
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Maybe security had something to do with it? I remember TAFB saying security played a role in the theft of his bike..
Haven't had a bike stolen (yet). What you talkin bout?

-Jamie M.
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