
The way this is going almost smells like a MLM. Put it this way....if I was someone like Evoex holding a bunch of silver and I could start a wave on social media with a few friends riding a social justice backlash movement, that’s going to be great for me with minimal effort. The backstory draws non-traditional investors in with a social movement motivation rather than an investment motivation.

Just to clarify, I’m not suggesting Evoex is the evil genius behind this.
I thought this would be more your style.

It's choose your own adventure though.

I bought a bucket mine digger set years ago on sale from Costco. At the time it was the biggest Lego Technic set ever made. Still waiting for a good time to build it! I'd love the new "biggest lego technic set" but that's over $400 I think. Too rich for my blood.

I stopped looking. If it hits over $30 I'm all up. But I bought some at $19/21/30...

This is when you can write a limit-order "sell" with a 30-days-out expiration date (the longest the exchange will allow) at that price and just leave it ride while you go do something else. If it ever spikes up, cha-ching, you cash out.

The other strategy, if you have something that is up big, is to sell enough to cover your initial investment (and maybe a bit more, if it is up really big), and let the rest go to see what happens.

The Redditers need to be more than a bit careful about what they are doing. Most (all?) of them are not professional investment advisers, and it is quite possible to get in trouble for giving out specific investment advice if you are not qualified to do so.
When money is involved I have a hard time thinking everyone is acting in an altruistic way. “ZOMG we just made a hedge fund cry”...yes and it cost you $200 of your social assistance cheque that was supposed to pay for necessities and you just made a smug guy somewhere a lot richer.

The money I have in I was ready to lose.

I have a trustworthy friend that's likely burned $75k accidentally lol

But we tend to surround ourselves with people similar so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

The Redditers need to be more than a bit careful about what they are doing. Most (all?) of them are not professional investment advisers, and it is quite possible to get in trouble for giving out specific investment advice if you are not qualified to do so.

I think anyone on the internet should know this and if they follow advice without doing a sanity check, it's on them. This is the same crowd that'll tell you to alt+f4 to make your computer go faster or to download a virus to fix Excel after all lol

You should see all the wannabe therapists at r/relationship_advice ruining people's lives.
The money I have in I was ready to lose.

I have a trustworthy friend that's likely burned $75k accidentally lol

But we tend to surround ourselves with people similar so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I think anyone on the internet should know this and if they follow advice without doing a sanity check, it's on them. This is the same crowd that'll tell you to alt+f4 to make your computer go faster or to download a virus to fix Excel after all lol

Yes, but when you unleash a *%&^*&^storm, the regulators are sure as hell getting angry phone calls too and may be forced to issue thousands of compliance orders for pushing securities without being properly licensed (or even worse, some are probably licensed and pushing securities privately without the consent of their employer). Likely it will just be a hand slap, but it will silence those slapped for the next round as the penalty can be steep.

Don't forget the regulators are heavily invested in the old monopoly where all financial advice must come through their members. If people start making lots more money (or losing less) by ignoring the licensed peddlers and jumping on the bandwagon, what roll do the members play? If the members are useless, the regulator is useless and those cushy jobs evaporate (or salaries come crashing down to match new regulatory income).
Yes, but when you unleash a *%&^*&^storm, the regulators are sure as hell getting angry phone calls too and may be forced to issue thousands of compliance orders for pushing securities without being properly licensed (or even worse, some are probably licensed and pushing securities privately without the consent of their employer). Likely it will just be a hand slap, but it will silence those slapped for the next round as the penalty can be steep.

Don't forget the regulators are heavily invested in the old monopoly where all financial advice must come through their members. If people start making lots more money (or losing less) by ignoring the licensed peddlers and jumping on the bandwagon, what roll do the members play? If the members are useless, the regulator is useless and those cushy jobs evaporate (or salaries come crashing down to match new regulatory income).

Um...isn't this a pyramid scheme? lol

Honestly, I'd find it very interesting if they charged anyone (except maybe DeepFuckingValue.) And if they do, I hope the backlash is stronger.
Reco.V is down a bit from highs but moving up again could be huge if they find what they think they might.
I thought this would be more your style.

It's choose your own adventure though.
Haha I love that. I share too much on this site but I’ve been involved with those machines for close to 20 years. Holy crap. Where does the time fly.
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