
gold mining stocks, yes
if bullion stays that high many junior miners will grow exponentially

I've been thinking of taking a flyer on this one: TSX-V: BNCH
wouldn't risk anything you can't afford to lose though

should have followed my own advice

Have some friends that have bought gold bars as they feel it’s the safer option. Silver also apparently is doing well.
I read a story speculating that with the USD going to crap as the benchmark world currency that they may have to come up with a new currency that will use gold as it's foundation. I can actually see it happen ... too much debt in the US and with the printing presses going O/T, it's just getting more and more de-valued.
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for sure LBV

also talk of the US treasury "cancelling" China held T-bills
eliminate the debt they hold
wipe trillions from the federal debt

then what? war?
Walmart has nothing on the shelves for sale?

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Where is the best place/way to exchange currency. US$ to CAD$
Physical or digital money? If digital, xe has pretty good rates and account setup isn't a huge pain. IIRC you get the money to a TD account in Toronto and it pops back up where you want. Much less sketchy than my old ways of firing it off to the Caymans or NZ and hoping it came back. XE bought that offshore company that I have used for many years without issues. I'm not laundering, I just want good rates.

If physical, maybe the mall stands? The guy I used to use in Woodbridge was (not surprisingly) mobbed up and is gone and the big exchange store downtown closed a few years ago.
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I check this subreddit many times a day and use Questrade. SONA is pretty volatile, but hey, easy to make a quick buck if that's what you're looking to do. For longer-term holds, TD, RY, XEQT and QQC-F for me, though I'm really enjoying the odd individual stock play, too.
This might be a good short term play

PAI (Predictiv AI Inc)

People are going to compare this to GSI ("covid-19 detection"). Huge pump is coming I think.

More info
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This might be a good short term play

PAI (Predictiv AI Inc)

People are going to compare this to GSI.. Huge pump is coming I think.
Isn't this like motivational speakers? "If you can predict the future, you can profit from it". Ok, so why don't you use your model to generate limitless profits? Why is your business model selling your program to others? Oh wait, it's because it's not that simple. It is much more profitable to sell the dream than to try to live off the predictions your model makes.
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Isn't this like motivational speakers? "If you can predict the future, you can profit from it". Ok, so why don't you use your model to generate limitless profits? Why is your business model selling your program to others? Oh wait, it's because it's not that simple. It is much more profitable to sell the dream than to try to live off the predictions your model makes.

Yup .....

It's a penny stock so high risk but potential for big rewards :D

I am not trying to sell anything
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