Famous Sam's? 9 ish?
Annina's 9ish? I'm classier now. LOL
Famous Sam's? 9 ish?
Hey guys. Another great ride! It was a pleasure getting back out there with some familiar faces and friends I hadn't seen in awhile. Osiris, I wish you could have stayed and waited for whatshisface with us. We had a great ride back and I got to take his new toy out for a rip on Kennisis Lake Rd. "Dorothy, you ain't on a Bandit anymore!!!"
Looking forward to the next ride, and taking the show south soon.
You guys heading out this weekend at all? Either Friday or Sunday might work for me if you are up for a long day ride somewhere. I could whip up a route if there was interest.
Somebody took someAny Photos of the Bavarian Wunder Bike....
Would work for mewell there's always that area around Sharbot Lake I keep hearing about...