Still in the Game Rides!!

.....Looks like Jennifer Lopez and Rides a Duc'.........absolutely!:bounce:
LOL! I'm sure one of our guys looks like dark.:p Maybe you should bring a friend...:cool:
We're back from TN/NC on May 27th, so second or third weekend in June looks good for PA! If you have a weekend in mind, please let me know and we'll put something together. Cheers!
There is a better chance that one looks like a duck and rides like Jennifer Lopez...:tard:
Good ride today. Thanks to Dave for leading and Jason for showing up.
What a great day! Thanks for letting me join in mid-way. Thanks for leading Dave and whomever said there is no such thing as a free lunch was wrong or just never met Jason.

Thanks guys.

looks like you guys were blessed with some awesome weather for today's ride :thumbup: ... and did I hear 'free lunch' was included??
I'll def keep an eye on this thread for the next opp to join up.
That was a great day and you are very welcome, it was in fact my pleasure. I had a great time and enjoyed meeting new friends and seeing familiar faces.

It is actually quite a nice little ride isn't it? haha.
Thanks again for yet another great ride, that was exactly what I needed, and perfect pace! I look forward to joining you on some of your adventures south of the border.

The lunch was a kind and unexpected treat as well, thanks Jason!
Thanks again for yet another great ride, that was exactly what I needed, and perfect pace! I look forward to joining you on some of your adventures south of the border.

The lunch was a kind and unexpected treat as well, thanks Jason!

Hey Everybody:
I am available for some rides and am usually available Saturdays or Sundays, out of the Cambridge area. I have been following this thread and wanted to join in with the "older and experienced" riders who still enjoy a twisting road, or a fast sweeper!
Let me know when the next ride is or if anybody in the Cambridge area would like to go for a ride!
Anyone interested in a ride tomorrow? Meet at Timmies on Salem Road in Ajax, just south of the 401 @ 10:30am? Head north east and get back at 5 or 6pm.
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