Still in the Game Rides!!

Glad to see you back and I'm dying to hear the stories of your trip, and all the lakes you jumped in!!
Unfortunately I think I'm snookered for any Saturday rides. If indeed I can't ride Saturday I'm definitely up for a Sunday ride though.
Your talking Aug. 20th......I thought you meant this weekend...I can barely figure out what I'm doing now never mind in a week and a half. I'll mark my calendar and hope for the best.
In the mean time try and get this coming Sunday free.:thumbup:
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Greetings Gamers!

Hope all has been well of late!

Catching up for time lost will keep me out of weekend rides for the next few weeks...... depending on certain logistics I could up for some evening whips.....

Lots of tales to share from adventures in the Smokey Mountains.......
I'm gonna head out for a ride Wed. evening (Aug. 17th) I will be at the Tim Hortons at Leslie/Major Mac. N/W corner for 7pm and leave around 7:30. I am flexible with the time so speak up if you need to tweek it a bit to suit. I figure about 2.5 - 3 hrs with a stop for coffee near the end. Post or PM if you are interested ....although I'm going anyway. I need a nice relaxing ride. Big Time.:thumbup:

Re: Still in the game rides

I have been watching this thread for a bit and thought I would register in order to respond. I think I fit the demo...Santana-1974-Varsity Stadium. Anyway, I was wondering if there would be any interest in starting a group similarly named but GTA west. Maybe a weekly evening ride and occasional hook up with eastern counterpart for a Sat or Sun ride.


Some of the GTA west early responses seemed to have dropped off.
I have been watching this thread for a bit ...., I was wondering if there would be any interest in starting a group similarly named but GTA west. Maybe a weekly evening ride and occasional hook up with eastern counterpart for a Sat or Sun ride.


I would think posting it in this thread would work fine. It is more about the riding attitude and the actual rides than it is a regional thing.
I know if an invite to a nice evening ride or weekend all-day ride is posted from the GTA West side I'd be happy to ride out to join in.
Hello Kilty.
7up forgot to mention the initiation test through our custom devised obstacle course, and ... buying everyone ice cream, if we have to come all the over to the west.

miss riding with you & the others.
I work Tues/Wed nights.
Will you need to relax and ride on the 27th or 28th?
So, I will come East then. As you can tell from handle, I am of Scottish descent so, the whole buying ice cream thing is a challenge.

I will continue to keep an eye on thread with a view to joining you on an upcoming ride, whether east or west. In the meantime, I may spark further interest from some of the previous westerners who have responded and perhaps a couple of new ones.

BTW I ride a Suzuki Dl650-I hope that doesn't disqualify me.
I'm sure a more central spot along yonge st between 16th and elgin mills would make the east and west

I mean... from what I see most rides head north anyways right?
In the event that am messing up with any of this I should mention that I broke my social networking virginity with that first post. First post of any kind anywhere!

I am amenable to east, west or north.

From what I can gather reading this thread this group fits even though I may be on the upper end of the age bracket. As I am new I will follow rather than lead and hopefully can jump on a ride soon. Heck, I will even buy ice cream!

Ifyernaepostinuparide then yidbetterhaudyerwheesht yamugyee. Welcome.:agave: We're awe west a hame!!
I'm in the west - Brampton to be exact so if you're looking for "mature" riders in the west end, let me know. I'm around this weekend if you're looking to get out.
Going to PA tomorrow and have room for one more rider (my regular riding buddy had his parked bike knocked down by a car.....******), if anyone is interested , send me a pm. We're leaving around 2 pm., staying Friday and Saturday night on NY side (Edelweiss in Ellicottville), back home by 5 pm. on Sunday. I'm riding down with two other friends, one more (NY local) will join us for a ride on Saturday. All riders are welcome except pirates and squids!
Going to PA tomorrow and have room for one more rider ................. All riders are welcome except pirates and squids!

What an invite! With maybe a few more days notice I'd have been all over it. I hope you, your friends and the 1 lucky rider have a great trip.
What an invite! With maybe a few more days notice I'd have been all over it. I hope you, your friends and the 1 lucky rider have a great trip.
LOL. I know how that sounds............Cheers!

I'm in the west - Brampton to be exact so if you're looking for "mature" riders in the west end, let me know. I'm around this weekend if you're looking to get out.

I can get out this weekend either Sat or Sun. It would have to be morning start and I probably have more time on Saturday. I would have to be back at home base by 3:00pm on Saturday. We can head north or if eastern gamers want in we can meet in middle.

Hope it works.

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