i hate to bring this thread back but how is SF with non-ss 600 bikes?
The exact same as 600 SS. They go by cc's so any 600cc will be the same price regardless of the style.
i hate to bring this thread back but how is SF with non-ss 600 bikes?
The exact same as 600 SS. They go by cc's so any 600cc will be the same price regardless of the style.
so is it true that non-ss are overcharged and ss are undercharged? can someone confirm this?
lol yeah typo i meant 241800 for 25! Ur getting hosed! U should be paying around 800 lol
i hate to bring this thread back but how is SF with non-ss 600 bikes?
Im 33, driving record you could eat off of with a 2007 zzr600, I pay 1500 a year (125 a month), and that was when I had my M1, I just gotta notcie that they took ten bucks off my monthly so down to 115. If anyone's looking for a starter ss than look for this bike, its exactly the same as a 2002 zx6r, but because they switched the name to zzr its classed as a sport-tourer, I love insurance companies![]()
But if your with SF, it doesn't matter what type of bike you have. All 600cc bikes cost the exact same smount, It doesn't matter if they are SS, Sport Touring or cruisers.
Sorry, I think it was Aviva that had classed my bike that way, but what they wanted for a year was some kind of ridiculous number, and I've been a client of theirs since they were traders general or some crap like that. SF had the best deal for me hands down and they didn't even want my other stuff insured to get the $125 original price.
So the company that classifies your bike a sport touring bike, doesn't really matter because they were super expensive anyways?
But if you would bring your car to SF it would bring your bike insurance down to about $75/Month![]()
I spoke to 5 different Statefarm reps to see if my quote would be different. I asked a lot of questions, and bottom line, they said that it doesn't matter how many years experience you have, once you meet a certain criteria, that's it. so, if you have full G license, over 8 years driving experience (from G1 onwards), no accidents, over 25, you will be paying X amount of dollars. The only difference between your price and your friend's price is your location/neighborhood.
All 5 of the statefarm reps gave me the same price, +-$1.