Staged accidents all time high. |

Staged accidents all time high.


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Just heard on cbc radio that the police and insurance company are on full force to catch these people. I was floored to hear how this happens. Either 2 cars working together, one in fronnt and one behind. Car in front brakes hard, you crash into them and the car behind you acts as car 1's witness and your screwed. The other way is being wave through an intersection. Once you take your turn the Car just waved you through floors it and nails you as you make your turn. After that the tow drivers and body shops get in on it. Just disgusting. Said that the highest concentration of this is in Brampton.

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Just heard on cbc radio that the police and insurance company are on full force to catch these people. I was floored to hear how this happens. Either 2 cars working together, one in fronnt and one behind. Car in front brakes hard, you crash into them and the car behind you acts as car 1's witness and your screwed. The other way is being wave through an intersection. Once you take your turn the Car just waved you through floors it and nails you as you make your turn. After that the tow drivers and body shops get in on it. Just disgusting. Said that the highest concentration of this is in Brampton.

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Well this is ridiculous. I don't get how the second one would work because it would mean that the person going straight either ran the stop sign or did this fraud. you can't take a left at much speed. It would seem suspicious if the person going straight hit your car.
Just heard on cbc radio that the police and insurance company are on full force to catch these people. I was floored to hear how this happens. Either 2 cars working together, one in fronnt and one behind. Car in front brakes hard, you crash into them and the car behind you acts as car 1's witness and your screwed. The other way is being wave through an intersection. Once you take your turn the Car just waved you through floors it and nails you as you make your turn. After that the tow drivers and body shops get in on it. Just disgusting. Said that the highest concentration of this is in Brampton.

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I thought I had heard somewhere that if someone waves you through in that situation, they are now at fault. I personally stopped waving anyone through once I heard that.

Of course it could have been complete ********, but I'm just paranoid that way.
With all the retarded driving out there I'm surprised people need to stage accidents rather than not avoid them. The amount of avoidance in order to get home is just silly.
I thought I had heard somewhere that if someone waves you through in that situation, they are now at fault. I personally stopped waving anyone through once I heard that.

Of course it could have been complete ********, but I'm just paranoid that way.
Nope I hear ya. I'm gonna be the same now.

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With all the retarded driving out there I'm surprised people need to stage accidents rather than not avoid them. The amount of avoidance in order to get home is just silly.

Yeah. 2 times today (while in the cage) I had people turn into my lane without looking. The second time of happened on the way home this a**hole figures he'd cut me off. We he got a horn and a finger but no lane space. Then he gives me a look like he had no time for or anyone and kept trying to cut in front of me as I continued forward slowly but steady. The women in the car behind me was just shaking her head at the guy.

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Well this is ridiculous. I don't get how the second one would work because it would mean that the person going straight either ran the stop sign or did this fraud. you can't take a left at much speed. It would seem suspicious if the person going straight hit your car.

Sorry needs more clarification. Your waiting at a green to make your left. The light turns yellow and the oncoming car slows or stops for you and wave ya through. As you go they floor it and nail you. Then they tell the cops they had no time to stop because you just pulled out ahead to make your left. Most if not all the tike they are tailed by another car who is in on it. They become a witness and get a cut.

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Just read about another way they screw ya. You are behind another car trying to pull out of a parking lot. As they pull out you follow. Then as your half way out of the lot and half way on the road the car ahead stops. So your stuck and traffic is heading your way. Then the 2nd car involved in the scam get behind you hoping you'll panic as traffic rushes at you so you'll put it into reverse and hit the car behind you. Then it all ohh my neck and everything else that comes with it. I swear I want cameras a over my car now. Ill get a helmet cam for the bike.
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I'm glad something is finally being done against that scum.. They're a major contributor to high insurance rates in this province (especially the GTA).
With all the retarded driving out there I'm surprised people need to stage accidents rather than not avoid them. The amount of avoidance in order to get home is just silly.

I''ll have to agree.
Some of the ppl drive so retarded, I wonder how they got so far in life
I''ll have to agree.
Some of the ppl drive so retarded, I wonder how they got so far in life

Yeah... Getting their driver's license out of a crackerjack box should have been too much (unless they had help) :cool:
By the way, I hope you guys realize that they don't just gang up on innocent people.. They can rent 2 vans, pile a bunch of people into them, "collide" and then claim various injuries.
Sorry needs more clarification. Your waiting at a green to make your left. The light turns yellow and the oncoming car slows or stops for you and wave ya through. As you go they floor it and nail you. Then they tell the cops they had no time to stop because you just pulled out ahead to make your left. Most if not all the tike they are tailed by another car who is in on it. They become a witness and get a cut.

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I call Bullcrap on that one... There's no way the car can accelerate fast enough once the other car is half way through the intersection to hit him. PLUS if he is accelerating that fast then the front bumper would be higher then when he is breaking and the bumper marks would not match.... PLUS most (if not all) new vehicle have "black boxes" in them that record the last 30 secs before a collision. It records your speed, what gear you're in, RPM among other things. Try explaining that one in court.

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I call Bullcrap on that one... There's no way the car can accelerate fast enough once the other car is half way through the intersection to hit him. PLUS if he is accelerating that fast then the front bumper would be higher then when he is breaking and the bumper marks would not match.... PLUS most (if not all) new vehicle have "black boxes" in them that record the last 30 secs before a collision. It records your speed, what gear you're in, RPM among other things. Try explaining that one in court.

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They buy **** boxes or "dollar cars" As the insurance company's call them. And if you want to hear about it just go to the cbc website and search accident stage. I'm sure it'll prob come up with the podcast or article.

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Sorry needs more clarification. Your waiting at a green to make your left. The light turns yellow and the oncoming car slows or stops for you and wave ya through. As you go they floor it and nail you. Then they tell the cops they had no time to stop because you just pulled out ahead to make your left. Most if not all the tike they are tailed by another car who is in on it. They become a witness and get a cut.

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Pavement markings would tell the story.
Pavement markings would tell the story.

Hey that's what they said on the radio, thats what I heard. Lets not forget that their is cops I on this too. So far the busted one so you know there are others writing these false reports as well.

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Just read about another way they screw ya. You are behind another car trying to pull out of a parking lot. As they pull out you follow. Then as your half way out of the lot and half way on the road the car ahead stops. So your stuck and traffic is heading your way. Then the 2nd car involved in the scam get behind you hoping you'll panic as traffic rushes at you so you'll put it into reverse and hit the car behind you. Then it all ohh my neck and everything else that comes with it. I swear I want cameras a over my car now. Ill get a helmet cam for the bike.

"Oh my neck" from a car reversing into yours at what... maybe 10 kph at the most... is going to raise a lot of questions from the insurance company!
On the left turn one. Unless there is a impartial witness to say otherwise the person turning left is always at fault.

I am sure it does not work for these idiots 100% of the time but the person being waved through is likely looking where they are going and they are not gunning it. The scammer could just wait until they start moving and move their eyes away. All they need to do is clip the rear of the victims car, no need to lay rubber. Even better if the scammer is in the right lane and the left turner is turning onto a two lane road (more time, shorter distance).

If you get into an accident make sure to get some names of people standing around (anyone not directly involved as witnesses) and take tonnes of pictures of the other car and all the people in it, including things like the airbags etc. Get all their names and addresses. This will give them some pause on your status as a "victim". make a big deal out of collecting imediate evidence.

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