Stage 3 starts next Friday, July 16th, 1 week early.


Ironus Butticus
Staff member
Site Supporter
Indoor dining, movie theatres, concerts, most stuff reopening with capacity limits still, but reopening and restarting nonetheless.

There's still a lot of nanny stuff going on (some of it wise, some of it questionable) though when you read the fine print:

Although I've been a big supporter of all the measures to date, I do agree it's time to move forward as it's now been proven that vaccines work and our numbers reflect our progress, but what's got me confused now is.....where do we go from here? There is no "Stage 4" in the outlook at any point, or even mentioned, and many of the Stage 3 restrictions are still pretty onerous to certain segments.
Can’t wait! It’ll keep my neighbour from walking around and taking pictures of peoples driveways with cars that aren’t typically there.

Saw him today come up to our neighbours house. Take a pic, then another from 10ft away, and then causally walk the rest of the street to check for others.

This is the same guy that was up on his roof taking pics of me building our deck.
Can't wait for the borders to be reopened.

I feel a need to be burdened with Glorious Purpose once again!
ya'll got your 2 shots already?
I can eat inside during my rides, and go to gyms, and coffee shops!
People like that end up with gifted subscriptions to Bondage and Bestiality weekly with delivery instructions of “leave at the end of the driveway”.
If I were rich I'd be dangerous. I'd park a float truck with a demolition wrecker on it in front of his house and have guys gesturing the order they plan to take it down.

Or get all the neighbours to gather in front of his place and stare at his roof while shaking their heads.
He needs to see the moon next time he's looking from his roof.
Best advise I can provide is to ignore this person completely, until they step over the line with you. Don't seek revenge, don't assist in any matter that does not directly pertain to you. These people feed on any negative attention and have all the time in the world to actively ruin yours.
They cannot and will not learn, consider it to be a mental illness that is 100% untreatable with you getting into trouble.
Best advise I can provide is to ignore this person completely, until they step over the line with you. Don't seek revenge, don't assist in any matter that does not directly pertain to you. These people feed on any negative attention and have all the time in the world to actively ruin yours.
They cannot and will not learn, consider it to be a mental illness that is 100% untreatable with you getting into trouble.
Yes you are correct. A few neighbours have said they try to keep him relatively neutral because City of Mississauga inspectors know him by name, and he’s a retired and crusty so has all the time in the world.

His wife is even worse from all accounts. I could never understand these types of people.
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