^^that was an amazing night.
Sure was ... And it can only be owed to the people like yourself!
Good people = good times no matter what where and when!
^^that was an amazing night.
As always .... Never a dull moment ...
Mississauga To Tail Of The Dragon - Ft Lauderdale - Miami - Key West FL! 10 Day Trip!
I present to you an excursion of a lifetime...
Head out Thurs June 5th 2014 evening...
Adventure includes....
-Deals Gap North Carolina (Tail of the dragon)
-A1A (AKA Hwy to Paradise down the South East Coast)
-Ft Lauderdale
-Miami (South Beach) 3 nights
-Key West FL 1 night (seadoo in the Caribbean waters/Gulf of Mexico)
-Ride up the East coast
-Washington Capitol White House (Stop by if timing permits)
Return Sunday June 15th 2014
Spend as much or as little as you want as long as you can cover at a minimum your fuel, accommodations & trailer hauling (if needed).
The past few years I have spent every vacation on a cruise ship travelling various parts (which I love) but each time, I say.... What the F! I wish my bike was here!!! Well enough is enough.... The 5 year dream becomes a reality in June..
My invitation is extended to riders and/or people wanting to be a part of this in a car... Either way.. An opportunity for you all and your significant others....
Let's make this a memorable one in a good way .... Post or PM if interested in joining in on the lifetime memory...