Square One Area - Mississauga!

Im about 15 minutes away from SQ1. Post date and location for the meet.


This is more of a hang out spot ..... Where we can call the "Central Spot" for bikers... If its recognized, then there will always be bikes there as it will be the place to grab the coffee and chit chat.. As for a time for a meet up.. We can always arrange that as well - we can make it our "spot" for meet ups before riding or what not...

What are people more leaning towards? Hwy 10 and Eglinton Tims as an area? or The Square one City centre tims as an area? As those 2 sound the most popular right now (Hwy 10 and Eglinton tims has shade as well).

As soon as its firmed up - ill know where to ride too for my coffee's when im Central sauga..
Dont re-invent the wheel. Just go to 403/Dundas Tims.


Not re-inventing anything, I love 403/Dundas, but it is out of the way for many people. Keep in mind it takes almost half an hour from Toronto/Sauga border to 403/Dundas. Also I have seen a lot of M1 drivers leave early way before the sun goes down as they need that extra half hour to get home.

Once again, this is in no way shape or form trying to re-invent anything. This is just a "Central Hub" Just like 403/Dundas is a "West Peel/East halton spot"
Salaams Talib

Met you at 403 Timmy's.....Ali here.

When I get my bike fixed we should go riding again.

By the way, what do you think of a road trip down to Indianapolis to see the MotoGP race at the end of August?

Up for putting a posse together and heading down for that?

Hey Ali!

Dude Sam told me about your incident... I am glad to hear that your ok!!!

I wasnt able to respond as I dont have BBM and I think that conversation transpired on there?

Anyways, I wouldnt a ride down to Indianopolis... Only issue is I dont have a passport... Regardless what days do they fall on ?? As I recently just moved to the Square One area - I have not had the luxury of having a few consecutive days where I was able to travel without being stuck with something I needed to get done. Regardless, I am open to the idea..

Sounds like there are a few others who are interested in going so regardless, its great that you mentioned it...

Hope all is well brother and yea.. Let me know when ur free so we can do it up...

Lates bro
Awesome... Any suggestions?

well there is no reason why we can't meet up at timmies by Square one and then take a very short ride to H10/Eglinton and pose some more lol, or is that just absurd?
and for those who are lookin to go on a ride we can decide a route and head out from there.

what do you all think?
well there is no reason why we can't meet up at timmies by Square one and then take a very short ride to H10/Eglinton and pose some more lol, or is that just absurd?
and for those who are lookin to go on a ride we can decide a route and head out from there.

what do you all think?

I'm down.. I live a 5 min walk from square one also.. I know that there are a ton of riders that meet on Friday nights @ the time hortons on Terry Fox.. Close to Mavis and Britannia.. Plus you got some nice imports and tuner cars there, a few classics as well.. ultimate poser spot in my opinion.. we could meet at square 1 and ride up there.. its about a 10 min ride.
Looks like Hwy 10/Eglinton Tim Hortons looks like a good central everyday spot as a hub -

Hopefully the word spreads and its known that at any given times there will be riders there....

The world is small as it is, but now we can even be a little more comfortable knowing there are good people looking to network with other riders....

Anyone up for grabbing a coffee...Ice Cap.. etc... around 7:30ish this eve? Weather pending of course.... We can shoot the **** and pending on the vibe maybe even go for a ride...

Ill leave it in your hands open for discussion... Im down for whatev...
I'm in for wherever spot; Timmi by spuare 1 is great, hwy 10/Eglinton or Mavis/Britainia is good also. Let pick one and bike lover will come.
I'm down.. I live a 5 min walk from square one also.. I know that there are a ton of riders that meet on Friday nights @ the time hortons on Terry Fox.. Close to Mavis and Britannia.. Plus you got some nice imports and tuner cars there, a few classics as well.. ultimate poser spot in my opinion.. we could meet at square 1 and ride up there.. its about a 10 min ride.

i'm up for this one (terry fox/brit) time???? sq1 is chalked full of bad drivers rather steer clear of season ending stupidness
If it's the tikes on 10 and eglinton I'll be there 24/7 (got my m2 taleb). Sounds like a good spot there are aleas ppl chilling there it's always alive. And we can put the finishing touches on it. Damn I wish I owned that timmies.

Suggestion: both( central and 10) are awesome.
If it's the tikes on 10 and eglinton I'll be there 24/7 (got my m2 taleb). Sounds like a good spot there are aleas ppl chilling there it's always alive. And we can put the finishing touches on it. Damn I wish I owned that timmies.

Suggestion: both( central and 10) are awesome.

Congrats homie!!

So no more restrictions on ur end... I am glad to hear everything is well ....

As for the the spot.. Yes sir.. I know what u mean - well .. Looks like hwy 10 and Eg it is ... what you up to tonight anyways?
my friend was interested in going to indianapolis, but i told him us 2 by ourselves might be short
but with a few others, i would definately be interested...the only thing is that ROSSI might not be there, but anyways thats a later discussion

im close sq1 as well, but i would like to do a little more than pose infront of something....my ride aint that fancy:lol:

Rossi is attempting to be back next week at the German GP, and even so he has stated his intention was to be back in August at the Czech GP 1 race before Indi.....so there is a very good chance he will be at Indi and maybe up for a podium!

He tested on James Toseland's Yamaha R1 @ Misano yesterday!!!!!

The bike is being flown back to James and Rossi has announced he knows what areas to focus on in rehab to get his riding strength back.

Rossi is still complaining about his nagging shoulder injury though that has dogged him all this year since he messed it up in that motorcross accident while training after the 2nd race or something.

But I am 95% set on heading down to Indi even if I ride down alone. I used to ride to the Donnington UK GP from London (about 3 hours) every year.....so 9 hours isn't so much of a stretch to me on the bike even alone.

I'll take Friday off work, spend Friday on the road, shack up in a hotel for Friday night, catch FP2 and QP, shack up Saturday, catch WU and the Race, and start the trip home, shack up in Detroit, take Monday off work and finish the trip off on Monday. Then cool my ***** on some ice!
This should have been set up earlier. I just moved a couple of days ago, but i used to live 2 min away from hurontario and eglinton. But if that turns out to be a good spot, then i still might show up from time to time.

Not re-inventing anything, I love 403/Dundas, but it is out of the way for many people. Keep in mind it takes almost half an hour from Toronto/Sauga border to 403/Dundas. Also I have seen a lot of M1 drivers leave early way before the sun goes down as they need that extra half hour to get home.

Once again, this is in no way shape or form trying to re-invent anything. This is just a "Central Hub" Just like 403/Dundas is a "West Peel/East halton spot"

I'm wicked down with a central sauga spot! I also like the idea of a spot to build on some public culture, not some out of the way spot only bikers know of. SQ1 has access to everything north, south, east, west, main roads, etc. I'm sure we can find enough central riders to hit this spot!

Count me in!
Dont re-invent the wheel. Just go to 403/Dundas Tims.

not reinventing the wheel, but even a bike needs 2 wheels and a bunch more wheels (gears) to make it all work.

So add one more central Sauag wheel...I second the motion. My vote is for City Centre Tims. Hell I even want to see some scooters there!
Hey Ali!

Dude Sam told me about your incident... I am glad to hear that your ok!!!

I wasnt able to respond as I dont have BBM and I think that conversation transpired on there?

Anyways, I wouldnt a ride down to Indianopolis... Only issue is I dont have a passport... Regardless what days do they fall on ?? As I recently just moved to the Square One area - I have not had the luxury of having a few consecutive days where I was able to travel without being stuck with something I needed to get done. Regardless, I am open to the idea..

Sounds like there are a few others who are interested in going so regardless, its great that you mentioned it...

Hope all is well brother and yea.. Let me know when ur free so we can do it up...

Lates bro

Hey check out my lowside....it tickled and cost me $200 bucks...all in all a great fall! Even got video!

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lNQc9pD_y14"]YouTube- Cayuga Lowside.m2ts[/ame]

Fall is at the 6:00 mark but enjoy the build up!
This should have been set up earlier. I just moved a couple of days ago, but i used to live 2 min away from hurontario and eglinton. But if that turns out to be a good spot, then i still might show up from time to time.

Sounds good... I like what im hearing..
Hey check out my lowside....it tickled and cost me $200 bucks...all in all a great fall! Even got video!

YouTube- Cayuga Lowside.m2ts

Fall is at the 6:00 mark but enjoy the build up!

Dude !!

I am at work - I cant see youtube vids on this thing - HR banned the site from our network LOL - But I def will check it out when I get home ... Once again .. Im glad ur ok bro..

As for the Central area-- YOU GOT IT! - Btw when is your bike gonna be back on the road?
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