Spring motorcycle show

Did you get your ski show ticket a year in advance? I went last fall as well (total let down for me, entire "ski swap" was 50 pairs of the same skis a store couldn't sell) It was $25 at the door, or $20 online. I looked everywhere for discount code or coupon. Oh, and the $20 online price came to $24.99 with the fees they added on.
I bought my tickets online a few weeks before the show and I think there was a seniors rate applied. Perhaps the bike shows should consider a similar discount, but with so many older riders, I guess that would cut into the profits.

The swap was much larger than "50 pairs of skis a store couldn't sell" lol. There were plenty of new/old stock in skis, boards and boots as well as used equipment for sale. Yes, the overall show was smaller than previous shows and I was disappointed they didn't offer the lift ticket 2for1 discount voucher this year. However, I was still able to buy the new Atomic helmet I went looking for.
You don't have to go to these events if you don't think it's worth it and if enough people make that decision then it goes down the drain.
I haven't been to a bike show since about 2018 and I've never been to the Auto Show. These shows have priced themselves beyond what I consider to be a reasonable value and, as you mention, I don't have to go. I seriously doubt there are enough people who are as frugal as me, so these shows are likely to continue and the prices will keep going up. However, they won't be getting anymore of my money.
Trade shows are out of hand as well. There was one I was interested in at the end of April. A non-vendor ticket was 400 bucks !?!
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