Speeding ticket 15 over.

Scuba Steve's advice is good. He is not telling you to abandon your friend, just don't get caught up in the same net. As he said, just wait down the road for your friend until he has been processed by the cop. If the cop wants both of you he/she will make that clear.

As others have said, get disclosure. You can not be convicted based on a visual estimation of your speed in Ontario.

Unlike some people, I don't leave anyone behind. Friend or not, that's just not who I am. If someone crashed, I'm there to help (dealt with that before). If someone is pulled over, or a new rider struggling to keep up, I will stay with them and guide them.

Some people are selfish, others are selfless. Do things always end up great for me? No, but at least I have their utmost respect at the end of the day.

Same reasoning for me using my name here on this forum.
Don't forget that the trial may be months away.

I'm not saying that the officer will deliberately lie, but he may remember things in a way that makes it easier to get a conviction.
With respect to the OP's indignation, he admitted he was doing 80 because he thought the limit was 80 in this area.
It turns out the speed limit was not 80, so he and his friend were both speeding.
They are both guilty, so why would all the lawyers tell them to plead not guilty?
When the cop gets on the stand and says he lowered the speed on the ticket, the Justice is going to hit them with the maximum fine.
So go for the pre-trial conference. The cop won't be there. Explain how the cop couldn't have got you both with the same radar shot.
If they throw it out at this stage, great.
If they don't, pay the ticket.
With respect to the OP's indignation, he admitted he was doing 80 because he thought the limit was 80 in this area.
It turns out the speed limit was not 80, so he and his friend were both speeding.
They are both guilty, so why would all the lawyers tell them to plead not guilty?
When the cop gets on the stand and says he lowered the speed on the ticket, the Justice is going to hit them with the maximum fine.
So go for the pre-trial conference. The cop won't be there. Explain how the cop couldn't have got you both with the same radar shot.
If they throw it out at this stage, great.
If they don't, pay the ticket.

Thank you for your advice. I appreciate it.
It's either 15 over or nothing or original if it shows up somewhere in the notes.

Had an exact same ticket in NB decades ago. 5 riders spread apart, first guy gets pulled over and we all get tickets for speeding cause we pulled over for moral support. It was RCMP there and would have cost more to fight(going back to NB, etc) than to pay. So just paid it as it didn't affect ON insurance and counted it as part of vacation cost. Right after the first guy asks why the rest of us pulled over too?....we should have gone on a little bit then stopped. For a simple pull over, I'll always do that and expect anyone else to do the same.
Essentially, the pre-trial procedure was started in Ontario to remove the "guilty with an explanation" cases from an actual courtroom.
The assumption is that you're admitting guilt, but there are circumstances surrounding the incident that should modify it.
The prosecutor has the authority to reduce the fine.
nowadays they cannot go below set fine. Unless the JP suspends your sentence, it's what the chart says for the speed you are being convicted for.

Just because the officer says he lowered the speed on the ticket doesn't mean the speed will go up. But that being said, if it's brought up at trial that the original speed was whatever it was, it will go to the original speed.

Out of court settlement for speed is different for in court settlement for speed. if you don't believe me, bring a chart of the speed/cost into court and you will see it. I'm unsure how much of a difference, but in the end, its a few dollars. The few dollars will be worth it to see if the police officer shows up or not. That's if you intend to fight it or plead guilty.
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