Speed cameras in Spain

Day 13


Went to a very cool interactive science museum, found a bunch of cool motorcycles, the first floor was full of the history of modern devices invented by science @Brian P

Compress_20231011_190229_9891.jpgThe second floor was full of scientific and engineering theory, as well as small scale examples of some inventions that were brought about by science and engineering.
(Electron microscope)
There was a section of the musuem dedicated to prominent scientists and engineers who had to flee the country during the spanish Civil War. Interestingly, they went to many countries, but many of them were eagerly welcomed and nurtured by Mexico.

Finished off the day with Delicious Persian food. I've come to conclusion they are the masters of cooking rice.


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Some of the scientists who escaped:

Interactive cutaway of a turbine engine:

Small scale steam engine:
Love this city. Walking + public transit is the best way to get around. (You do not want to drive)

You noticed that people in southern Europe are generally in better shape than in North America. Walking has a lot to do with it. Most North American cities with the possible exception of a few downtown areas are designed so that you can't live without a car. These European cities have been around since before cars existed ... they had to be walkable, and they still are.
I feel this also has to do with the weather... in addition to municipal design... have seen 0 clouds, rain, or cold days...every day is pretty much what I call textbook perfect. Seems to encourage walking around, or go sit on a chair sipping on an espresso watching the world go by...
Day 14

Back to Barcelona

This will be our last full day in Spain, tomorrow we fly back.

Madrid feels less organized and cool compared to Barcelona, like many other modern cities, it's full of big glass buildings, large highways, more modern and boring architecture, landlocked,
Whereas Barcelona feels like your walking in an art musuem, with access to a time machine.

Overall, a fun trip

Main lessons Learned for future travel though, travel light, travel alone, no matter how annoyed the ol ball and chain gets.

(View from our hotel, near sunset)
Cool trip, you didn't check out Park Guiell in BCN?
BTW Spain gets something crazy like 300 days of sunshine. I think I've only see it rain there once in all the times visiting.
Hopefully see you at a burger meeting up. (y)
So much history,

Thanks for sharing your pictures

Here is the hotel i stayed in, very central and affordable for reference in case you’re interested when you visit again

Hotel Best Auto Hogar
The weather here sucks. Who is still riding?
I need to gather my layers.
I went for a ride yesterday. I still underestimate how cold the mornings can get at this time of the year. I had to stop for a few minutes because my fingers were getting numb


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