Speed Camera fines now in effect

They are vandalized in other countries all the time .
Yes in other countries, not in wimpy Canada where we don't have people, we have bleating sheeps. I used to live in Houston, Texas. Lots of the new speeding cameras they placed there were literally used for target practice by hunters and concealed-carry permit holders.
Yes in other countries, not in wimpy Canada where we don't have people, we have bleating sheeps. I used to live in Houston, Texas. Lots of the new speeding cameras they placed there were literally used for target practice by hunters and concealed-carry permit holders.
And we also have a tiny fraction of the number of firearm murders here than they do. Wonder why...?

I hope that you aren't advocating destruction of property, because that won't fly here.
not in wimpy Canada where we don't have people, we have bleating sheeps. I used to live in Houston, Texas. Lots of the new speeding cameras they placed there were literally used for target practice by hunters and concealed-carry permit holders

Sure glad I live in Canada where we don't take to discharge of weapons and destruction of property just to protest simple traffic laws put in place for the betterment of society just because we don't think they should apply to us.

Wondering what kinda revenues are generated from the cameras?
They've got $0.00 from me. It's been pretty simple...I just don't speed.
And we also have a tiny fraction of the number of firearm murders here than they do. Wonder why...?

I hope that you aren't advocating destruction of property, because that won't fly here.

And we also have a tiny fraction of the number of firearm murders here than they do. Wonder why...?

I hope that you aren't advocating destruction of property, because that won't fly here.
C'mon man is this what you tell CNN too when they report some massacre in Syria? That you hope they are not advocating massacres?

All I said is that Texans have balls, and not us.
C'mon man is this what you tell CNN too when they report some massacre in Syria? That you hope they are not advocating massacres?

All I said is that Texans have balls, and not us.
Just looking at the tenor of your posts and letting you know that you're skating the edge.
Looks like someone spray painted the speed camera. don't be surprised they get smashed!
Tory says the cameras are a deterrent against dangerous speeding first, not a revenue generator for the city.
I call ********

Frankly, I am happy when the number of these tickets issued goes down every month.”
I call ******** on this too

The 2020 operating budget said speed cameras are expected to bring in nearly $27M
The Money Shot!
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Edmonton has speeding and redlight cameras all in the same intersection. Speed to get through a yellow, and you’re gonna get dinged
Those are apparently called "speed on green" cameras. While the traffic signal is in the green (possibly yellow) phase, it is a speed camera. When the signal turns red, it's a red-light camera.

I actually don't have a problem with photo-enforcement as long as what they're enforcing makes sense. Red-light camera? Sure. Cut the length of the yellow down in order to catch more people out due to the short yellow duration to make more ticket revenue? Nope. Same with speed cameras. 40 km/h on a road directly in front of a school and perhaps 50 - 100 m either side of it and during reasonable school hours? Sure. Not on weekends or holidays when the kids aren't there, not at 2 AM when the kids aren't there, not throughout every street in an entire town because there happens to be a school *somewhere* in town that kids walk to and from.

I want to see someone invent a you-forgot-your-turn-signal camera.
Edmonton has speeding and redlight cameras all in the same intersection. Speed to get through a yellow, and you’re gonna get dinged
No. It only clicks a picture when you cross the intersection AFTER the light has turned red. You can cross the white line and the intersection when it has turned yellow. Even if your vehicle is in the middle of the intersection and turns red you still won't get busted. The redlight cameras have ample mercy. I don't know about the speeding cameras through.
Those are apparently called "speed on green" cameras. While the traffic signal is in the green (possibly yellow) phase, it is a speed camera. When the signal turns red, it's a red-light camera.

I actually don't have a problem with photo-enforcement as long as what they're enforcing makes sense. Red-light camera? Sure. Cut the length of the yellow down in order to catch more people out due to the short yellow duration to make more ticket revenue? Nope. Same with speed cameras. 40 km/h on a road directly in front of a school and perhaps 50 - 100 m either side of it and during reasonable school hours? Sure. Not on weekends or holidays when the kids aren't there, not at 2 AM when the kids aren't there, not throughout every street in an entire town because there happens to be a school *somewhere* in town that kids walk to and from.

I want to see someone invent a you-forgot-your-turn-signal camera.
The problem is that most speed limits in Toronto don’t make sense. The street nearby has a 30 km/h limit, people always drive there around 40-50 km/h. Once I drove at 30 km/h there and it almost caused two collisions, when people decided to overtake a long sad train of cars.

And guess what? Now camera is coming there. So people will smash their brakes and look at the speedo instead of the road.
Most speed limits in Ontario don't make sense. There are times and places where speed limits as low as 30 or 40 km/h do make sense ... dense urban conditions like the small residential streets in older areas of Toronto where you have on-street parking and sidewalks and kids and schools and lots of pedestrians. Most speed limits outside of those conditions start out 20 - 30 km/h too low, and the knee-jerk reaction to "too much traffic" or "too much noise" etc is to reduce the speed limit even further and extend community safety zones everywhere.
No. It only clicks a picture when you cross the intersection AFTER the light has turned red. You can cross the white line and the intersection when it has turned yellow. Even if your vehicle is in the middle of the intersection and turns red you still won't get busted. The redlight cameras have ample mercy. I don't know about the speeding cameras through.
This is not true. They have red light cameras all through Hamilton. There is a tight time of when you will and will not get a ticket. Crossing when the light is yellow can still end in a ticket. I speak from experience. Speeding up to get through is not a good idea either. Especially if you are going to try and fight it. The cameras also record your speed. This is indicated on multiple pictures. Try and fight it and those pictures are used as evidence.
I was told by many, that unless your vehicle was stolen, fighting a red light camera ticket was pretty much useless. I was also warned that the judge could/would also look at the speed and increase the fines. So I took a deal and cut the fine in half.
we also have a bunch of speed cameras now. They have been broken into, spray painted, turned around and stolen.
Crossing when the light is yellow can still end in a ticket.

You should have fought the ticket then - the machine was out of calibration. You'd have won.

You are legally allowed to enter an intersection on a yellow. It's only after the light turns red that crossing the white line will yield you a ticket. Red light cameras are supposed to be calibrated accordingly....apparently the one you experienced...was not.
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