Speed and strength denim - opinion?

Lean Angle Jeans for me:


Full Kevlar lining and Forcefield armor at the hip and knee. Good looks too!


Lean Angle Jeans for me:


Full Kevlar lining and Forcefield armor at the hip and knee. Good looks too!

Louder can those be seen/tried on locally? I'm interested but I won't buy clothing online unless I am sure it fits (if I bought the Bull-Its I was eyeing they'd be living in my closet instead of on me due to fit issues).
How hot do they get off the bike (say at work?). I've been slacking off on wearing my textile riding pants lately and I've been searching for a solution. Problem is, most brands don't sound breathable, so if I have to switch to normal jeans/pants at work, then I'm back at square one.

Otherwise, I might as well surrender my last shreds of dignity and buy a Roadcrafter. Hey, hey, I kid, I kid because I love, Aerostitchers!
Unfortunately, no. Now note that that is a qualified no. Lean Angle may have a Canadian retailers/distributor since my purchase last season. Of this, I am unaware...

As far as fitment, I spent the time to email my every measurement and contact the company to gain assurance prior to committing. I'm quite glad I did as they would be living in my closet too!

General notes on sizing that I recall from discussions with LAJ staff:

- 2 sizes up from your street jeans (eg. 34" to 36" waist) - make sure you size using regular jeans, not your Hipster affair.
- Inseam 2 inches longer (32" inseam to 34")

You need to accommodate for the Forcefield armor.

As for heat, they are most certainly hotter than standard jeans, but not so much that I feel anywhere near like I'm swimming in a pool of my own beetle juice. I believe the jersey liner works as designed.

One thing as you can imagine, they are heavy! Denim exterior, a full Kevlar liner, a full jersey liner, and armor make these jeans the ButterBean's of its class. Anyway, I wear them because I believe they are substantially better than a standard pair of jeans.

I'm glad I took this direction.
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I recently picked up a set of Bull It jeans from Royal, make sure you try on a couple different styles. First couple styles and sizes I tried on were a pretty poor fit (go up one size, my levi's are a 34 but I needed a 36 for these), but after trying on a bunch of different pairs (I mean close 6+) I finally found a pair that fit pretty well. You can also get the armor for them at royal for about $20 for the knee and hips set. Overall I feel more protected than standard jeans, not as good as leather but no where near as hot!
Since the Bull-its didn't fit me (tried on all 3 types) and I really don't want to risk ordering online from another country (due to returns) I'm likely going to bite on either the Teknic Violator jeans or S&S Rage With the Machine jeans. GP carries both, so I can try them on there and buy whichever fits best and looks to have the best protection.

End of day I'm still using my textiles for real riding, but for things like L&L, meeting up with friends, or whenever I'll be spending more time off-bike than on, I do want another option than dawning the full Iron Man suit. lol
They'll stay together for approx 2-4 seconds. That's jeans... Not riding jeans, etc

When I went down at 40 kph literally as soon as I hit the ground the jeans were ripped open. Regular jeans aren't much better than shorts.
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