Well said
Could this be Canada in 2035?
You can give people all the goods and rights you want but without REALITY education it ends up wasted. Outsiders get tired of seeing their efforts wasted.
Reality education means that there is no free lunch.
Rights come with responsibilities and deficits cost money.
You can give a person tools but if they don't know how to use them they go to waste. Give an uneducated person a piece of land and a bag of seeds. They eat the seeds and then starve.
Whether you are talking about SA blacks or Canadian Aboriginals the problem stems from centuries old ignorance of human nature.
You can't take a person who's family has been treated like dogs for centuries, just give him a bath, suit and briefcase and expect him to be a successful businessman.
However you could take that same individual, give him a bath, uniform and gun and he will be a successful soldier. Without the uniform he will be a thug and without the gun a successful welfare bum.
A brain that has been crushed for centuries doesn't just re-boot in a minute or two and see the virtues of honest labour especially when seeing the ethics of big business.
I really think that a benevolent dictatorship has a lot of merit but only as long as it doesn't tell me what to do. Hypocrisy font.