Sorry but this **** has to stop!

Stop freaking out about how other people ride. You do you, and let them do them. The joy of a free country.
While the initial post does come across as a bit freaked out I understand and appreciate his greater point.

Motorcycling in general is it's own worst enemy because of the guys shrieking down the DVP, weaving in and out and passing closely at high speeds on the 401 OR flaunting their underdeveloped masculinity by LOUDLY farting their way around on their harley's. You can also include the guys off road who trespass on posted land.

I was riding down the hill into Port Hope a while back and noticed a lady on the sidewalk make a big show of raising her arms an putting her fingers in her ears, as if to shield herself from the excessive noise. Except at the time I was rolling downhill with the throttle off idling.

So she wasn't hearing me, she was viewing me as she does ALL motorcyclists. A noisy, dangerous, inconsiderate douche. But she doesn't differentiate from the loud jacka$$es who have bothered her, she decided that EVERY motorcycle is a giant noisy fartsicle. The guys the OP is complaining about are some of the ones responsible for creating the bias's we all see, and experience in our insurance rates and in restrictions such as no motorcycles in old Quebec City and trail restrictions for off road riders.

To the OP's disappointment it will never stop, but that doesn't mean anybody should or needs to just shrug their shoulders and say "you do you" because the actions of these idiots screws us all.
While the initial post does come across as a bit freaked out I understand and appreciate his greater point.

Motorcycling in general is it's own worst enemy because of the guys shrieking down the DVP, weaving in and out and passing closely at high speeds on the 401 OR flaunting their underdeveloped masculinity by LOUDLY farting their way around on their harley's. You can also include the guys off road who trespass on posted land.

I was riding down the hill into Port Hope a while back and noticed a lady on the sidewalk make a big show of raising her arms an putting her fingers in her ears, as if to shield herself from the excessive noise. Except at the time I was rolling downhill with the throttle off idling.

So she wasn't hearing me, she was viewing me as she does ALL motorcyclists. A noisy, dangerous, inconsiderate douche. But she doesn't differentiate from the loud jacka$$es who have bothered her, she decided that EVERY motorcycle is a giant noisy fartsicle. The guys the OP is complaining about are some of the ones responsible for creating the bias's we all see, and experience in our insurance rates and in restrictions such as no motorcycles in old Quebec City and trail restrictions for off road riders.

To the OP's disappointment it will never stop, but that doesn't mean anybody should or needs to just shrug their shoulders and say "you do you" because the actions of these idiots screws us all.
Well, in this case, I highly suspect it was rider three that crashed. Good chance they won't be out riding poorly for a bit. Between recovery time, impound fee (I assume the clock keeps running if you don't sent someone to get it out asap), stunting ticket, insurance kick in the nuts, etc, that may be the end of their riding career.
Strong indicator of what? Being a douche?
So when you get a ticket you simply pay it and don't dispute it? There is a reason the ticket has a backside.
Yes. I admit it when I'm wrong and I do the right thing.

If people would take responsibility for their actions instead of plugging the courts with undeserved challenges the judges would have more time to deal with genuine cases.

Are you suggesting respecting others is being a douche? Is respecting the law being a douche? Is being considerate being a douche? Is paying your bills being a douche? Is contributing to society being a douche?

I sometimes wonder what people consider heroes.
Yes. I admit it when I'm wrong and I do the right thing.

If people would take responsibility for their actions instead of plugging the courts with undeserved challenges the judges would have more time to deal with genuine cases.

Are you suggesting respecting others is being a douche? Is respecting the law being a douche? Is being considerate being a douche? Is paying your bills being a douche? Is contributing to society being a douche?

I sometimes wonder what people consider heroes.
Heres the funny thing.
You don't know any of the circumstances surrounding the case I was referring to. And simply labelled the person a douche. I was agreeing with the individuals post in stating that the defence and prosecutor simply want to make a deal. That is how court works 90 something percent of the time. The case I was referring to involved a mistake made by a rookie police officer placing blame on the wrong individual in order to save a G2 driver's license. There was no video evidence. And the rookie police officer did not show up to court because she knew she was wrong. This was also a vehicular incident not motorcycle related. And the "Douche" was a female. So do you feel better now? Will you be able to sleep tonight? For the record I don't agree with reckless driving or behaviour. However, everyone who drives a vehicle breaks the law every single time they drive and if they don't then they are taking the bus and the bus driver breaks the law. No one drives perfect.
Let's face it. We want the idiots we don't like to be caught, but we want to run back roads substantially over the limit without consequences..........

I'm in Mississauga, Burnhamthorpe / Winston Churchill area and I hear the idiots from the Timmies on Dundas / 403 screaming up and down the 403 until 2 - 3 in the morning all summer long. I also hear the drifters in the industrial area around Ridgeway / Unity Drive burning up the asphalt for 20 minutes or so at 1AM and then they move on to avoid the police. I want these people rounded up, maybe shot or Tasered, beaten with billy clubs or thrown in jail, vehicles seized, terrible things wished on them as they are the scourge of the earth.

Above aside............. When I ride I think it is entirely reasonable for me and a group of friends to cruise back roads in Calabogie area at a "spirited" pace. We're experienced riders, know the roads very well and are perfectly capable of blasting by you folks running at 80 or 90 kph in an entirely safe and responsible manner. It's really quite inconsiderate for you to be driving so slow and holding us back from enjoying our ride.
Stop freaking out about how other people ride. You do you, and let them do them. The joy of a free country.

Heres the funny thing.
You don't know any of the circumstances surrounding the case I was referring to. And simply labelled the person a douche. I was agreeing with the individuals post in stating that the defence and prosecutor simply want to make a deal. That is how court works 90 something percent of the time. The case I was referring to involved a mistake made by a rookie police officer placing blame on the wrong individual in order to save a G2 driver's license. There was no video evidence. And the rookie police officer did not show up to court because she knew she was wrong. This was also a vehicular incident not motorcycle related. And the "Douche" was a female. So do you feel better now? Will you be able to sleep tonight? For the record I don't agree with reckless driving or behaviour. However, everyone who drives a vehicle breaks the law every single time they drive and if they don't then they are taking the bus and the bus driver breaks the law. No one drives perfect.
Heres the funny thing.

I didn't say the person you were assisting was a douche. I said it was an indicator.

As you describe it it was a valid challenge.
I was behind a dr400 in my truck when a car turned left in front of him. We were doing just under the speed limit. He died on impact. I tried to help, I have combat first aid. Yes some people are disrespectful to others. Loud pipes, etc. My solution, move. Now its peace and quiet, with great roads at my driveway. First world problems.
Let's face it. We want the idiots we don't like to be caught, but we want to run back roads substantially over the limit without consequences..........

I'm in Mississauga, Burnhamthorpe / Winston Churchill area and I hear the idiots from the Timmies on Dundas / 403 screaming up and down the 403 until 2 - 3 in the morning all summer long. I also hear the drifters in the industrial area around Ridgeway / Unity Drive burning up the asphalt for 20 minutes or so at 1AM and then they move on to avoid the police. I want these people rounded up, maybe shot or Tasered, beaten with billy clubs or thrown in jail, vehicles seized, terrible things wished on them as they are the scourge of the earth.

Above aside............. When I ride I think it is entirely reasonable for me and a group of friends to cruise back roads in Calabogie area at a "spirited" pace. We're experienced riders, know the roads very well and are perfectly capable of blasting by you folks running at 80 or 90 kph in an entirely safe and responsible manner. It's really quite inconsiderate for you to be driving so slow and holding us back from enjoying our ride.
Well said. We call these people asshats when they do dumb stuff in traffic, but a whole bunch of us do the exact same thing just in a different setting (backroads) and some others call us asshats.

I know when I’m riding the Kawarthas I don’t obey any of the speed limits. I’m not as quick as some here but 99% my license would be pulled if caught. One of the reasons I’m selling my bike is because it makes me want to go FASTER than the X…because it’s mad fun.

I guess we just like to justify our actions to ourselves.
Ditto 427. A two mile diameter circle of people not getting a decent night's sleep.
We used to live on Cronin Dr (427 and Burnhamthorpe area) and the traffic noise at night was terrible.

I remember about 10 years ago hearing a couple of sport bikes tearing down the 427 in the middle of the night. Woke us up, and I told my wife, "those motorcycle have the throttle pinned". went back to sleep.

In the morning, heard on the news a motorcycle rider went off the ramp at 427 and Gardiner. I always wondered if it was one of those guys that I heard that night.

After that, we moved to the Royal York road area, so we don't hear the traffic anymore.
are you perhaps forgetting the "responsibility" that comes along with "free country". :rolleyes:
Not at all, it's not my responsibility to tell others what to do. I'm not a cop or a politician. However I will fight for you to have the right to your opinion.
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Not at all, it's not my responsibility to tell others what to do. I'm not a cop or a politician. However I will fight to the death for you to have the right to your opinion.v
We are forced into responsibility by some laws, particularly tax ones. We are responsible for cancer treatments through Medicare for people that choose to smoke, similarly have bad diets. There are some fuzzy lines in any discussion on risky behaviors, including motorcycle riding.

We must take responsibility for the actions of others when the actions affect us. Getting people to stay on their own side of the road is an example.

Getting into really fuzzy stuff there is the pursuit of happiness concept and things that negatively affect the situations. The pursuit of happiness isn't specifically mentioned in our Charter of Rights.

Our senses are typically the sources of conflict. Touch and taste are fairly simple to deal with.

Society has a responsibility to see that people are not touched unless some form of consent is given. Some leeway must be given in crowded situations. Being brushed against in a crowded bus isn’t assault.

Taste is fairly simple. We can’t force people to eat things not acceptable to them. They are free to bring their own food.

Sight, sound and smell are different in that they can’t easily be contained.

Do I have to look at someone’s butt crack, vulgar tee shirt or pigsty front yard? If you don’t like what you see don’t look at it.

Do I have to give up eating ribs because the vegan downwind of me is offended by the smell of them being barbecued?

Do I have to “muffle” the smell by boiling them?

I like the taste of a good curry but not the lingering smell. That is a problem in some condos.

In all things we have to tolerate some intrusions. It seems to get testy here when it comes to sound.

A ten kilometer rip through the city can disturb 100,000 people. What is the rights to responsibly balance? Anything that moves makes noise. Even Teslas make tire noise. How about the howl of mudder tires?

We assume the right to pursue happiness but where does the infringement on the rights of others come into play
We assume the right to pursue happiness but where does the infringement on the rights of others come into play

Good question. How about when you move in and tell your neighbour that has been there for 8+ generations you're offended by his livelihood and demand that he moves?

Good question. How about when you move in and tell your neighbour that has been there for 8+ generations you're offended by his livelihood and demand that he moves?

Get subsidized housing next to a 50+ year old airport and demand the airport shut down.

Move to the country and complain about the smells.
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