Sometime people suck

Last time someone was struck and killed on the Mountain (driver not at fault) the People's Republic of Hamiton's city council lowered the speed limits in the entire region. Expect further draconian measures forthwith.
Well , a motorcycle accident on Hamilton mountain last evening had a motorcycle hit an 80yr old woman and her 60yr old son crossing the road. All were pretty badly hurt however cars continued to drive around the people that laid in the road. Except those that looted the groceries the pedestrians were carrying and possible the 80yr olds purse from the accident scene.


Man would I love to have seen the looters in action, even better if I could get my hands on them for a little taste of justice!
This area has a history of accidents and near misses of pedestrians. The city even increased the amount of time the lights takes to change, to allow pedestrians more time to cross. Sadly most do not use it.

I drove down Rymal a few weeks ago and I didn't notice the lights being significantly longer. I did notice they shortened the yellows quite a least at the intersections with red light camera$.
I drove down Rymal a few weeks ago and I didn't notice the lights being significantly longer. I did notice they shortened the yellows quite a least at the intersections with red light camera$.

I’m only speaking to the lights at the intersection on Mohawk rd. right by the accident. There are a lot of elderly people who live in the area and frequent the Foodbasic. Most do not walk to the intersection to cross the road.
Sunset was about the time of the crash and there's lots we don't know. BTW the ones in mobility scooters are no safety wizards either.

Unknown to me:

Were the seniors wearing dark clothing?

What was the experience of the rider?

Road conditions?

A Newfie once told me the longest way round is often the fastest way home.

Lack of common sense and gutless politicians will continue to make things worse.
I read an article somewhere they didn't cross at a crosswalk, but instead down the street, further, because the curb,shoulder was on slope and easier to get the walkers over. How why seems strange as every crossing has sloped curbs, can't think of one without sloped curbs. And one of the bystanders knew them and took the walker to keep it from being stolen (was returned). I would think that would be of limited concern at an accident.
I read an article somewhere they didn't cross at a crosswalk, but instead down the street, further, because the curb,shoulder was on slope and easier to get the walkers over. How why seems strange as every crossing has sloped curbs, can't think of one without sloped curbs. And one of the bystanders knew them and took the walker to keep it from being stolen (was returned). I would think that would be of limited concern at an accident.
Walkers are expensive. Bought my 95 yr old father in law a new one last week.$417
Walkers are expensive. Bought my 95 yr old father in law a new one last week.$417
Walkers are also incredibly slow and lumbering. They're like giant slightly mobile pylons.
You'd almost have to be going for extra points to hit more than one.

It would appear that some have a different reaction, depending on whether an accident is caused by a motorcycle or cage.
Mrs. Nobbie just got in from shopping and commented that there were two old ladies with walkers on the median strip of Dundas Street near the 427 trying to get to the discount grocery store. Four lanes each way and drivers often coming off one ramp and adjusting to cross several lanes to use another. She referred to them as future pancakes.

What is the solution?

If they had common sense they wouldn't need our advice.

In the good old days gramma would be living in the family home and would be taken shopping when needed. Or there was a small grocery store she could safely walk to instead of a big box complex.

Being honest I couldn't stand either my mother or my mother-in-law living with us. Life has changed so much and they didn't evolve.

She could use a computer order system but even if she could learn to use / trust the system she would miss seeing real people.

In the good old days when people got CPP cheques in the mail a warning note could be included telling of things like the Hamilton event. Would it scare them?
Simplest change would be to move the crossing to where people are crossing, if it's viable.
People should just stop and let those with mobility issues cross at their pace. People suck if they can't wait a few seconds in the comfort of their own car.
People should just stop and let those with mobility issues cross at their pace. People suck if they can't wait a few seconds in the comfort of their own car.

I agree in principle but on an 8 lane suburban road it could cause more harm than good as less attentive drivers rear end the nice guys. Also the jaywalkers might assume that because one car stopped the other lanes will as well.

I hate it when an oncoming car on a busy multi-lane road stops to let me make a left. There's always an impatient prick behind them that swoops out and guess who's at fault for the crash?
I agree in principle but on an 8 lane suburban road it could cause more harm than good as less attentive drivers rear end the nice guys. Also the jaywalkers might assume that because one car stopped the other lanes will as well.

I hate it when an oncoming car on a busy multi-lane road stops to let me make a left. There's always an impatient prick behind them that swoops out and guess who's at fault for the crash?

Yea I know it's not feasible. That's why people suck. Those that stop for left turners also suck. Most drivers suck...
Rider got charged.


Scott Watson, 54-years-of-age from Hamilton

Careless Driving Causing Death
Careless Driving Causing Bodily Harm
Simplest change would be to move the crossing to where people are crossing, if it's viable.
Or even easier, install a railing between the sidewalk and roadway so people, at least those with walkers, have to go around. Essentially push them towards using the crossing.
I've always thought that the proper engineering solution is a physical barrier between roadways and sidewalks (and bicycle paths) to stop people from crossing where they're not s'posed to. Doesn't have to be a railing or concrete wall ... dense vegetation (bushes etc) can do it, too. Obviously that doesn't work on dense residential streets with lots of driveways, but along major roads that tend to have more traffic and higher speed limits, it should. A central reservation with trees and bushes up the middle of the road - instead of a simple painted line - works, too, and also puts something between traffic in opposing directions (and stops idiots from making U-turns where they shouldn't).
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