Some Questions Regarding 848 evo

I don't see the problem with that line from his post. He said he only uses Shell 91 because he doesn't use gas with ethanol.

Although even with that said I'd add stabilizer even to gas without ethanol and not all Shell 91 is ethanol free (actually I noticed they took the ethanol labels off all their pumps now).

I felt it wouldn't end well after the first post but it appears so far the rider has managed to keep himself and his bike alive so he surpassed my expectations, lol.

Isn't it a little early to be planning winter storage? There's still 3-4 months of riding left...
haha thanks for giving me passing
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Pretty close unless you go way way north. I can drive 3 hours in almost any direction and find Shell 91...
Why not? I can find shell all over the place. Also according to someone who's a friend of a friend kind of thing esso gets theirs from the same place. :dontknow:
Gas is gas.. Fill up, ride, repeat.

Not quite. Shell 91 with no ethanol would be best for most applications.

Especially since Ducati tanks are known to deform from gas containing ethanol. Or has that been fixed by now?
Did you get you answer yet? If google motorcycle winterization rather than filter through comment after comment here. Or talk to Ken from Soar racing he'll set you up.

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Not quite. Shell 91 with no ethanol would be best for most applications.

Especially since Ducati tanks are known to deform from gas containing ethanol. Or has that been fixed by now?
I don't know if it has been fixed or not.The dealer told me either shell 91 or Esso 93 or 94 (can't remember), the only two to use because of no ethanol.
I don't know if it has been fixed or not.The dealer told me either shell 91 or Esso 93 or 94 (can't remember), the only two to use because of no ethanol.

Don't worry what the dealer tells you. As a monster 796 owner with a nylon tank like yours, the key is to not store the bike with ethanol gas. I tend to use shell 91 only as well, however when you need gas you need gas. If you are going to be burning it off that day or in next few days just fill up with ant brand. The issue is storing the vehicle.
I have 20000km on my 2011, I actually ride it, and have no tank swelling issues.
If it does swell buy a new tank and coat it with Caswell. Don't worry about it.
What do you do if you're out of the city and riding in a rural area and need gas, there may not be a Shell station?
I don't know if it has been fixed or not.The dealer told me either shell 91 or Esso 93 or 94 (can't remember), the only two to use because of no ethanol.
They lied about the Esso 93.
What do you do if you're out of the city and riding in a rural area and need gas, there may not be a Shell station?
Drive 10 minutes to the next town that has a Shell?
well, i don't have time for leisure rides. i ride to and from work.I usually stay in GTA. I have no problem finding shell 91. Also, if i am planing to go for a longer ride, i just fill up before i start.
Don't worry what the dealer tells you. As a monster 796 owner with a nylon tank like yours, the key is to not store the bike with ethanol gas. I tend to use shell 91 only as well, however when you need gas you need gas. If you are going to be burning it off that day or in next few days just fill up with ant brand. The issue is storing the vehicle.
I have 20000km on my 2011, I actually ride it, and have no tank swelling issues.
If it does swell buy a new tank and coat it with Caswell. Don't worry about it.

2012 696 and no swelling. I put whatever the hell i want in the tank. The new tanks have been retooled to account for swell so ive heard. I was not even warned about gas from my dealer...
well, i don't have time for leisure rides. i ride to and from work.I usually stay in GTA. I have no problem finding shell 91. Also, if i am planing to go for a longer ride, i just fill up before i start.

848 commuter? Please tell me you don't work downtown toronto....
140 kms per tank? lol guess Ducatis ARE made for posing rather then actually riding.\


Is this a jab at the fuel economy or the range? I can't tell. If it's the latter then nothing short of the largest tank would qualify for 'actual riding' by your criteria, which means you obviously own a BMW adventure bike, right?

If it's the former then you have to do the math on the fuel capacity. 9.8 liters per 150km is 6.5 L/100km. That's actually not too bad. My Ninja 650r only gives me around the same mileage.
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