I thought we got taxed here.
For me, none of my family have debts or anything, other than 2 sisters in college and one that will be in the next year or two. So I'm sure I'd make sure that's all paid for, and a new small reliable vehicle for each. (First cars don't need to be awesome).
I'd get my mom a nice place in the country with a proper building for her cats (we have a small Bengal cattery) and a big shop for her BF, and new equipment for his business.
My grandma would get anything she wants, anytime.
Myself, just a nice 3 bedroom house with a nice big shop with a lift and fabrication tools (heck, maybe a small CNC machine) and take some courses to learn how to properly make things (like tool and die etc). A decent sized property for a MX track and a flat section for my own grass runway.
Toys, lots of different bikes, mostly older bikes, but a couple new ones. An assortment of cars and trucks, would like to take ones in need of restoration to make my own, and of course some fancy super car... Or maybe a GTR or 350Z and make it crazy.
Build an RV4 (airplane).
Couple of boats. Good little duck hunting boat, a bass boat and something to party on.
I like to be busy, so I couldn't just buy stuff and then sit around with nothing to do, so I would rather be productive and make stuff mine.
I'm sure I would find something to do with my time as well as far as humanitarian efforts, but I don't feel right about just handing money over since it's been proven the money doesn't always go where it really should.
I'd also quit my job so I can finally grow a mullet for cruising around in my Smokey & the Bandit replica Trans-Am.