Some ballbag reported me to the town for parking my trailer

People who live in glass houses should not throw stones ... my point is that anyone can have fault found with them (as pointed out by Macs post). Unless there is a serious issue such as the house or property is dilapidated then people should learn to live at let live. Someone might not like my trailer and conversely I might not like the colour they painted their garage door or that they like wild flowers in their garden.

The problem with hiding behind by-law officers is if it's anonymous then the wrong neighbour might get blamed. If someone is going to get upset over a discussion then they are really going to get upset having the city talk to them. All you do by calling the city is escalate the situation without knowing if it required escalation.

Calling the by-law office without having a discussion with the neighbour first is disrespectful and cowardly. Treat people reasonably and if the situation doesn't get resolved appropriately then take further action.

True and as well just don't park on the grass because you know it's against the bylaws and looks bad.
It was done for convenience so his mom can back out the car without him having to go move his care out of the way.
I can care less, as I said, I talk to you once.

btw- I think there are bylaws against certain paint colors:D something about general appearance of the area.
True and as well just don't park on the grass because you know it's against the bylaws and looks bad.
It was done for convenience so his mom can back out the car without him having to go move his care out of the way.
I can care less, as I said, I talk to you once.

btw- I think there are bylaws against certain paint colors:D something about general appearance of the area.

Yep, and their doors (garage and front) are painted a disgusting pale pink colour. Totally clashes with the stonework. If I wanted to I could start a by-law pissing match, but that's not who I am. Their doors don't affect my day to day life, just like my once in a while parking ever so slightly on my lawn doesn't affect theirs. I will be asking them (in person) to pay for the Goo Gone I had to buy to get the duct tape residue off my window though. (I forgot to mention, the note was duct taped on all 4 sides to my windshield.

I also agree again with sircastic. There's nothing wrong with a neighbour knocking on the door to address an issue. There is something incredibly infuriating though, to going outside to see by-law with a tape measure on your driveway/lawn.
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Yep, and their doors (garage and front) are painted a disgusting pale pink colour. Totally clashes with the stonework. If I wanted to I could start a by-law pissing match, but that's not who I am. Their doors don't affect my day to day life, just like my once in a while parking ever so slightly on my lawn doesn't affect theirs. I will be asking them (in person) to pay for the Goo Gone I had to buy to get the duct tape residue off my window though. (I forgot to mention, the note was duct taped on all 4 sides to my windshield.

I also agree again with sircastic. There's nothing wrong with a neighbour knocking on the door to address an issue. There is something incredibly infuriating though, to going outside to see by-law with a tape measure on your driveway/lawn.

If it doesn't directly affect you, keep your nose out of it.
Dont like the colour of a door? Don't look at it. Someone's car is half off the driveway? Who cares, it's their grass. However, a yappy dog next door does have some effect on a persons day. The neighbors 2 houses down have a yappy dog... Well, they HAD a yappy dog and all it took to fix it was a visit to their front door.

I know laws are laws, but if something doesn't directly affect you, don't be that crappy neighbor and be a coward to call it in.

If I were in macs shoes I would have done the same thing and kept parking the same way.

If its a true mess, then people should be forced to clean it up. But if it's not really a big deal, leave it alone.

Another reason why I'll never live in the city
Perfect, put on a thong, crack open a beer and wax it beside the window during breakfast.
Don't forget to wave good morning! :wave:
you know Mike, not everything gets solved by putting on some kind of bikini or thong
Property Value
If you are bringing mine down I will let you know.
If you don't fix it, I will tell you that I am letting the forces that be know.

Other people have NO RIGHT to drive down the property value of a neighborhood.
Who made them special.

Some people feel that their lawn looks cool with broken down cars and plastic flamingos and crap all over it along with the weeds being 3 ft high.

You call them weeds I call them native flowers.

I had a neighbour once..bit old, kept banging on our joining wall complaining of noise. There was no noise, house was silent as a grave. This went on for quite a while with us explaining how there was no noise etc etc...until one day I lost it when she hammered on the wall again I got an orbital sander, switched it on and wedged it against the wall and left the house for an hour or so.
The note reads (verbatim):

"You not should park car on (lawn). Stop today or else police call for you. They also tow car, I ask. Stop park on lawn today."
Did it end with "me love you long time"?
Yep, and their doors (garage and front) are painted a disgusting pale pink colour. Totally clashes with the stonework. If I wanted to I could start a by-law pissing match, but that's not who I am. Their doors don't affect my day to day life, just like my once in a while parking ever so slightly on my lawn doesn't affect theirs. I will be asking them (in person) to pay for the Goo Gone I had to buy to get the duct tape residue off my window though. (I forgot to mention, the note was duct taped on all 4 sides to my windshield.

I also agree again with sircastic. There's nothing wrong with a neighbour knocking on the door to address an issue. There is something incredibly infuriating though, to going outside to see by-law with a tape measure on your driveway/lawn.

This won't help the situation but it will be could try filing a mineral claim on your neighbours land for ***** and giggles. :) I was kind of stunned when I found out that most people don't have any rights as to what is present under their land, they only have surface rights.

Just put a few claim posts up ha ha.
What about the a$$hats that put out garbage 4 day before, this si a big one for me and always deserves a by-law call
That's just "pre-composting", relax.

Not when we are talking old TV's, broken furniture, etc. At the end of the day it's a lose lose situation because it is these same people who just end up just dumping it on the side of the road illegally, take a look at any of the remaining country roads in north brampton. I think both are a total lack of common courtesy and respect.
Not when we are talking old TV's, broken furniture, etc. At the end of the day it's a lose lose situation because it is these same people who just end up just dumping it on the side of the road illegally, take a look at any of the remaining country roads in north brampton. I think both are a total lack of common courtesy and respect.

Oh come on relax, they are just making the place feel like back home.:p
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