Solo conversion!


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I don't mind taking passengers but truth is.. I got the bike for myself. It really annoys me when I tell passengers three rules not to break and they end up breaking one because they're scared when the bike is leaning.

You know that really important one where you tell them if I'm making a left turn, look over my left shoulder and not my right or try to fight the lean? :rolleyes:

So, I decided to remove everything that had to do with a passenger!

I love the way the bike looks now! Anyone else not enjoy taking passengers?



I've never taken a passenger and never intend to.
I hate 2 upping in general...BUT of course I have to if GF wants to 2 up....

its ok thou :D told her next bike I'm getting (daytona 675) I'm removing the passenger pegs and telling her its meant for 1 person only aka ME :lmao:
I just started riding but I do plan to take my GF for rides sometimes. One time we were practicing on what she needs to do when I lean for a turn. The bike is not running and I'm leaning the bike while flat footing. I lean to the right and guess what she does..she sticks her right foot out because she thought she was going to fall. I guess we need WAY more practice...
I actually like taking passangers, the bike wheelies real nice with the extra weight in the back.
not a fan, I have taken passengers but I do not enjoy it.

If passengers are required, I would rather take the car
I like taking my wife for rides, so I am no help...but I'd like to hear your review of the new Road Attack2's
Solo seat cowl went on day 1 & has never come off. Passenger on an SS bike is just not practical. Would only do it in an emergency.
I love riding with passengers on my R1. Ive done 8+ hour days riding twisties and I dont feel like Im giving up anything performance-wise on the street to those Im riding with who are riding solo.
I just started riding but I do plan to take my GF for rides sometimes. One time we were practicing on what she needs to do when I lean for a turn. The bike is not running and I'm leaning the bike while flat footing. I lean to the right and guess what she does..she sticks her right foot out because she thought she was going to fall. I guess we need WAY more practice...

Just get her to hold on by hugging you, it makes it much harder for her to lean inappropriately, she will naturally follow your body.. Practising while not moving is hard.
The way I see it is it's like dancing... If a chicky can't ride two up very well with me, then there's a good chance she'll be the same riding me.

So, if she doesn't pass the 2up test, the broom comes out :-)
Soon as I pick up a seat cowl, my pegs are coming off! :) Can't wait to clean up the tail like yours, OP. BTW, I enjoyed your DOF, esp in the 2nd photo!
Solo seat cowl went on day 1 & has never come off. Passenger on an SS bike is just not practical. Would only do it in an emergency.
I agree, passenger on a SS isn't practical but this is a Sport Tourer.. big difference ;) Still no more passengers on mine even though it is a lot more comfortable than an SS.

Very shallow DOF, what were you shooting? 2.8?
Canon 5D Mark II so full frame at 2.0! I got a 24mm 1.4 as well but that's just crazy shallow DOF lol

Soon as I pick up a seat cowl, my pegs are coming off! :) Can't wait to clean up the tail like yours, OP. BTW, I enjoyed your DOF, esp in the 2nd photo!
Thank you, thank you!

Nice, I need the passenger pegs for long distances... and it's also a tie down point for cargo.
Mine came with hard side bags that I can easily mount with 6 screws! It's great!
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Mine came with hard side bags that I can easily mount with 6 screws! It's great!

I have a givi rack on mine with two side bags (i think 38L) I could put a top case on but I'm wary of those, in a rear end collision that would be pushed right into my back... but some times I need more space than the 38L*2... Like when I picked up a small bbq for track days. or monday when i went grocery shopping and bought a 24 of gatorade g2 because it was on sale and that stuff is good (wish they sold it in crystals). Sure I could use the car, but there's no fun in that.
Don't do 2up for at least you're first season of riding.

Rode 2-up 2 days after I got my bike.
It's all in the passenger's ability to do as you do, not do the opposite.

So far I have taken 3 different passengers on my bike.
One of them is a regular (the gf): She does everything I told her to very well, I can only feel that she's there when I lean back a bit to stretch or to rearrange myself.
One of them is occasional: She also rides very well and applies everything I told her. It helps that she has her M2 also, but does not own a bike yet.
Last one was a one-time ride: He said he was terrified of motorcycles and would never get on one. Lucky for him we were just 3 minutes from his house haha.
I like taking my wife for rides, so I am no help...but I'd like to hear your review of the new Road Attack2's

Totally missed this post! My bad.

On my '97 YZF-600R, I had the Conti Road Attack's and I loved them. Since then I've been partial to Conti, even with my car tires (summers and winters.) My opinion will be biased for sure but having said that, they're really great tires. I've read countless reviews on them online since they've been released and all say pretty much the same thing. Warm up real quick, a lot of confidence (coming from Metzeler's ME-Z4 stock hockey pucks), great to look at it but the only downside that I've read is that tread life isn't as great. Some guys are saying they got about 6,000mi out of them, others less, others some more so I guess it does depend on your riding habits!

The biggest noticeable difference for me was how easily they tipped over on a lean. The ME-Z4's required some effort and were not smooth at all, these tires are smoooooth!

Sources: <-- LOTS of magazine reviews.
I'm in the same boat...have the rear cowl on and removed the rear pegs. I don't take passengers on my bike, and plus it looks so much cleaner this way without all that! :)

...although a random chick downtown did try to convince me to give her a ride, regardless lol.
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