So... Thanksgiving...

Excellent point.

Nobody is hiding the fact that some of the traditional meals come from a time when food (especially protein) was scarce. The art is making it as palatable as possible, and sometimes the result is super-tasty.

Everyone knows that haggis is a poor farmer's meal. The wife would take anything left over in the kitchen and stuff it in sheep's intestines for her husband's long day out driving cattle.

But man, is it ever delicious, with all the spices they put inside. And also served with whisky gravy! *chef's kiss*

When traveling to a foreign land, you can experience the culture many different ways. I look at sampling traditional cuisine like visiting a historical site, except you're doing it with your taste buds.
Nope, not for me.

No eating stuff that goes into hotdogs unless its already in a hotdog.
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